In our society, more and more, people are running around offended by syllables, even. People are afraid to say anything. It reminds me of the days of the old Soviet Union, where people would have to go into the bathroom to say what they were really thinking.
We are used to being sold out by people we elect.
The Democrats' version of immigration is all about securing additional votes.
You look at these primaries so far, do you realize they don't like [Ted] Cruz either, Ted - Chris [Christie]. In fact, maybe they dislike Cruz more than [Donald] Trump. But Cruz and Trump are the only guys that have won anything. The establishment candidates in this race cannot get noticed.
Because [Donald] Trump sticks to his script and was there to open his golf course, that's what he first began talking about. He didn't open with a statement on the Brexit vote. And so here comes the media - right on cue - and any allies they have, once again lashing out at Trump as incompetent, unaware, insensitive.
There may be some who wish that he would have taken the occasion to first comment on the Brexit vote, but they're not going to abandon him. They're not gonna let the media do it. Romney people? The media could separate his supporters from him, but they can't from Trump. They don't understand this yet. They think one of these times when they do a trick like this it's gonna work and they're gonna be able to really harm [Donald] Trump.
I'm old enough now that I've been around and I've seen a lot more things than I had seen when I started this program 27 years. I have seen presidents in action. I have been to the White House a number of times. I have been to fundraisers. I have been seen what happens at fundraisers. I've seen how elected officials treat fundraisers and donors and, believe me, the world revolves around them.
I know people who have donated big to presidents. I know people who have raised money big for presidents. And they are treated like kings by the politician and his organization. They are constantly invited to parties, seminars, private gatherings where the candidate or the president will explain policy, but only to them. And they brag about it. Which is fine. That doesn't bother me.
I wouldn't want to spend every waking hour asking people for money. A, I can't do it, it's just not my nature.
We're talking tens of thousands, millions, nobody gives you that kind of money without an expectation for it. It has to be paid back somehow. You pay it back with policy.
It was primary election, but [Donald] Trump hasn't spent a lot of money. Not compared to - I mean, Jeb Bush had a $115 million super PAC, and he has six delegates. It's not a dream, but it's something I do think about.
Wouldn't it be just great if somebody could actually get elected without having to spend all that time raising money? Wouldn't it be great if somebody could get elected president without having to pay all the donors back? Wouldn't it be fabulous if somebody could get elected president without this giant due bill?
I would love for Hillary's [Clinton] massive ad campaign to be pointless and worthless. I would love for it to bomb out.
Hillary's [Clinton] been doing a good job of portraying [Donald] Trump as unqualified, not the right temperament.
Peter Schweizer's book, Clinton Cash, is not discredited. It has been quoted on the front page of the New York Times and the Washington Post.
The Clinton Foundation does nothing but donate to charities." They can't find any evidence that what Schweizer has written about the Clintons and their foundation and the fund-raising and the getting paid for speeches is wrong. They can't find anything where he's wrong. The book has not been "discredited." So [Donald] Trump delivers this massive speech. It hit home run after home run after home run.
Remember, the conventional wisdom is, "Yeah, you can do this like [Donald] Trump has done it during the primaries, buuuut once you get to the general, it's not about national votes. It's about states! It's about swing states. It's about battleground states. And you've gotta have targeted expenditures, great ads running against your opponent in those swing states."
The silent majority, that's actually an invention of Richard Nixon's.
[Barack] Obama's executive amnesty has been frozen via a stay by a judge on the appellate court. You remember, this is the judge that discovered the Defense Department lawyers were lying to him in open court, and instead of actually sanctioning them, he demanded that they go to a new ethics course to learn the proper behavior and decorum and the law in court, that you just can't lie with impunity to a judge.
There are children in America who are going to be separated from their parents 'cause their parents are going to be deported while the children who were born here can stay. We are forgetting the human beings.
It's what [Barak] Obama was complaining about. All this is now up to the voters - who, of course, the Democrats do not trust. People who would have benefited from the programs face no imminent threat of deportation because Congress has provided money to deal with only a small percentage of people who live in the country illegally.
Some Trumpsters asked me if it was really a problem that Trump doesn't have money to run commercials now. And I said he doesn't have the money, just doesn't have the money. "That's not good. He needs to be running commercials."
[Donald Trump] doesn't have the money to run commercials and I launched into a tirade on money in politics.
[Barak Obama] just said children who are Americans or legal residents, they will remain low priorities for enforcement - meaning deportation - as long as they've not.
The effort to combine the general population of this country with the current burgeoning numbers of illegal immigrants is outrageous, simply outrageous.