Donald Trump has been frustrated because the Republicans won't do anything, so he's going over to the Democrat side, and he's doing deals - and in order to do that, the Democrats are running the show. The media wants you to believe that Trump is acquiescing to the Democrat agenda just so he can do deals and just so there can be something done.
After all this brouhaha Washington, Donald Trump lands in Florida" If we don't have the wall, we are doing nothing." Trump says there will eventually be a border wall and there won't be amnesty for DREAMers. But they're going to allowed to stay. People say, "W-w-well, wait a minute, now. If you're letting 'em stay, how is that not amnesty?" Well, they're not gonna be made automatic citizens.
I love this. "Of course I trust the president." Two days ago, Nancy Pelosi hated Donald Trump! She's out there saying the most despicable, horrible things in the world about the guy. She trusts him now, and I'm sure you Trumpists think that's 'cause Trump is so clever and he makes everybody like him.
I collect cigars. I love giving 'em away to people that really enjoy 'em, and I could think of no better place than West Point!
The dirty little secret is that you, Barack Obama, are the candidate of 'unity.' If you are the candidate of unity, why can't you even bring your own party together? Why can't you and Hillary Clinton get together and solve this, instead of having Operation Chaos prolong all of this disunity? I mean, these people are starting to tear each other apart.
The Democrats are having all kinds of problems uniting people here, and Barack Obama is the lead unifier, and it ain't going to happen.
Who is going to fix the mess the Democrat Party's found itself in? Harry Reid gonna fix it? Howard Dean gonna work it out? Superdelegates, are they going to settle this? What, are we being had? Senator Barack Obama, we are told, is first an instrument of hope and then an instrument of change. Obama and his followers say that his biggest asset is bringing both sides together. His both sides are liberals. Both sides in the fight on the Democrat Party are liberals.
Barack Obama and his followers and his adorers have decided he can bring us all together, that he can reach across aisles, he can reach across oceans. Who knows, he might be able to reach across galaxies, bring people together, to find common ground from the mountaintop, and so, my friends.
Google is reeling right now. This is the kind of thing, this is the kind of charge that just sends leftists up the tree, that they're unfair, that they're discriminating on the basis of gender. Ladies, tell Google to prove it to you that the guy who wrote the memo is wrong. What you say to Google is, "Show me the money." Go for the money. Tell 'em you want money. Tell 'em you want raises. Tell Google to prove it. Don't join the protest march and start throwing underwear and bras. Just demand the money. They're reeling right now. Hit 'em!
Just to clarify James Damore, Google, what he was saying is the gender gap in tech industries is because women are treated differently because they're not as technically inclined, and that's what got him fired, and everybody at Google had a conniption fit over it.
Congressman Steve King believed what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were saying, that Donald Trump had a agreed to a deal on the DREAMers and had gotten nothing on getting rid of the wall for it, and the wall was not part of the deal. He wasn't the only one. David "Rodham" Gergen, who is the definition of Washington conventional wisdom.
You ever want to know what consensus and groupthink and conventional wisdom in Washington is, just find what David "Rodham" Gergen is saying and you'll find out what 99% of 'em are thinking.
Since the Drive-Bys are involved, I'm sorry, folks, I just never, ever do I accept anything, I don't care what. If it's football, if it's the space program, if it's anything, I automatically do not believe it.
I mean, I don't care what Drive-Bys write about local issues and all that. But I'm talking about this kind of stuff, national issues of great importance. I do not believe.
I mean, voters had that kind of faith in Barack Obama and they had that kind of faith in Bill Clinton, but people having it in Donald Trump, since they think Trump is a bumpkin to begin with, that anybody who has blind faith in Trump's got to be an even bigger bumpkin.
It's not a big deal, but it's quite noticeable and obvious to me, and it's a little hypocritical, and it's a little contradictory. Here we have all of these Republicans in the House and the Senate - not all, but I mean a majority who, for seven years, ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare. They promised, seven years. When it was time to reelect, time to campaign, promised. Now they run the House and they run the Senate, and they can't come up with a bill. Isn't it amazing?
Apparently there are not a whole lot of people there that have confidence. They are willing, apparently, to believe that Donald Trump's been lying to 'em all along, while, if you want to characterize it this way, how many years have they been lying to voters about their intentions on repealing and replacing Obamacare?
If you're conservative, if you're Republican, I dare say that if you're over 50, you didn't think - you never thought - that what happened last November would be possible. You wouldn't think a Republican, I don't care who it is, could win the White House and that we would control the House and the Senate at the same time and have the Democrats' 2018 prospects be in the tank, which they are.
The Democrats stand to lose even more seats in the Senate. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's certainly a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix everything that has been on our minds for 30 years. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it's not being utilized - and it isn't being utilized, sadly, because the perception is that it's House and Senate Republicans that are refusing to work with Donald Trump, that they're embarrassed of him, that they don't want Trump to become the definition of a Republican.
The Republicans don't want Donald Trump to define the Republican Party agenda. They are very loyal. They owe a lot to their donors. The donors hate Trump. The Chamber of Commerce hates Trump. All of these people that the Republicans think they can't get elected without don't like Trump. So it has been a stonewall. This behavior by the House and Senate Republican leadership isn't anything new. All you had to do was to listen what they were saying during the campaign.
They didn't want Donald Trump to win. They didn't think he was gonna win. They never thought they would be in this position. They may not even like being in this position because they don't want this kind of pressure on 'em. They don't want to have to move his agenda. The Republicans in Washington are identical with the Democrats when it comes to the big issue, and that's immigration. Both parties want amnesty.
Both parties want it now. They want comprehensive immigration reform, and they want open borders.
I thought Donald Trump once again just missed a whole bunch of opportunities to bury Hillary Clinton, and he missed them because he's not a politician, and he's not instinctively oriented toward the ideological explanations that undergird Hillary's policies.
Hillary Clinton's economic plan is the biggest sitting duck to be blown to smithereens, you could do it in two sentences.
If on social media there is rampant offense over Donald Trump saying "We got some bad hombres out there," then Trump becomes a reprobate again, a sexist, a bigot, a misogynist, all of these things, 'cause we got some bad hombres out there.