This is [Joe] Biden's unique way. I mean, here's a guy that never makes a gaffe, right?
Hillary Clinton has said numerous times in this campaign, "If Congress doesn't act to end the plague of gun violence in America," that she will do so by executive action. Now, what is she going to do?
People are free to do whatever they want to do.
Meg Whitman wants to be close to power. She doesn't care if it's Hillary Clinton, she doesn't care if it's Barack Obama. All she knows is that if Trump is president, he's not gonna be crony with her. Trump is not gonna do any special favors for her.
I understand the pain of withdrawal, too. I wouldn't want that on anybody.
When I ask questions I'm genuinely curious and trying to learn.
Just in the real world I think women are the ones that have all the power anyway.
Everybody talks about candidate tax returns, and they release those - well, most. But medical records, that's another thing, and that arguably might be more important or relevant than somebody's tax return.
A Trumpist is a devoted supporter and understands what he or she is doing. A Trumper is just different sounding, better sounding, I think. I've even had some Trumpists tell me they don't like the term. They think it's derogatory.
You're in the car, you're talking to somebody, the radio's on, music's playing, you're not really listening to it; you're aware of it; that's passive.
Hillary Clinton does not have a connection with her voters like Donald Trump has with his. She's got people who like her, and she's got support because she's a woman, and she has support because she's Mrs. Clinton. She has support because she's a Democrat.
There are some women, we have to admit this, there's some women who support Hillary Clinton simply because they think it's great that a woman might be elected president for the first time.
I don't care if it's five dead cops, a dead black citizen in Minnesota or in Louisiana, there are people trying to profit from it, politically profit from it. It's undeniable. I think it's cheap and I think it's sick. But they are there. And you and I both know who they are.
Conservatism's not the answer. The Republican Party has to reach out, moderate and modify its views to be able to accommodate radical Democrats, minorities, and so forth.
Former New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, talk show Rush Limbaugh claim - " don't you love that, they "claim." I'm not claiming anything. I'm saying. Anyway. " - that Black Lives Matter exacerbates tensions and sows racial divides." How can that even be debatable?
Ford O'Connell, the guy in the sound bite we just played, he's the guy who said that nominating a conservative presidential candidate would just postpone the GOP nightmare.
We gotta ditch conservatism and people that believe it, we gotta move on. Otherwise, if we don't, we're just delaying our nightmare, postponing the nightmare. That's Ford O'Connell.
A grievance is a political action. It's not just African-Americans.
Whenever any argument comes up, you remind her, "You cheated on me." Your relationship has no chance. You agreed to set it aside. You accepted that it happened and you accepted her explanation and you agreed to move forward, but then as you move forward, you continue to lay that off on her, and you never let her forget. Your marriage doesn't have a chance, if you don't let it go.
People are mean to each other.
When people don't want 'em, when they profit from the division, however, be it politically or financially, that's when I abhor it.
Strategizing how to use it, how to promote it, how to use it as a campaign aid? I can't find any reference to [climate change].
The whole thing [climate change] is bogus and made up, designed like they always do to scare you.
Look, the bottom line is, folks: They [Democrats] are unified. Their single objective is taking us out. We do not have that. Look at what's happening on our side. I mean, it's atrocious. It is actually embarrassing.
Hillary Clinton's negatives are higher than any Democrat who has ever been elected, ever run.