Th left laugh at the idea that you think we might have been on the verge of losing America. They laugh at it. So if they don't understand that, if they mock that, laugh at that, they're never going to understand Trump or why people voted for him. There's no way they can.
The Democrat Party is in as much trouble as the Republican Party is for different reasons. But if they have to go back to "taxing the rich," if they have to go back to "gun control," it is a sure sign things are in a state of great disarray. In addition, Mrs. Clinton wants to make abortions totally free for people on Medicaid.
Giving something back is a huge deal. You'll notice every successful athlete uses that at some point in his career during an interview. "I'm gonna give something back. Gotta give something back to the community." "Yaaaay! Right on!" People just fall for it. It's a necessary inclusion.
Barack Obama and the Democrat Party convince people that America's best days are over.
These people in the media, they may hate Donald Trump, but they cannot stop covering him.
Everybody dealing with Trump is making the big mistake of trying to plug Trump into the age-old political handbook. Trump's not part of that. You don't deal with Trump in the standard, political handbook way on policy and issues and things like that. That's not the way to separate Trump supporters from Trump. It isn't gonna work.
The first mistake in the New York Times is worrying about granting Trump access. They're not "granting" Trump access. Trump is commanding access. Trump is taking access. Trump is dictating the daily narrative.
Hillary Clinton doesn't know how to counterprogram Trump, if you will. Hillary doesn't know how to go out and write her own narrative of the day. Hillary doesn't know whether to focus on herself or to criticize Trump or to go after Crazy Bernie. She doesn't know what to do. And the press doesn't, either.
If gay marriage is a real thing, gay infertility must be a real thing. It's not fair. I mean, it wasn't fair they couldn't get married, and now it's not fair that they can't have babies, even though they're not infertile, that doesn't matter. And so there must be access to infertility insurance for married gay couples, if our culture and if our society is to be fair and equal for one and all, and it is coming, and don't laugh about it.
Is it wrong to love another man? Of course not. It's not. And is it wrong to love your son, marry your son, to avoid paying taxes? Of course the people that would probably do this are people on the left who want everybody to pay more taxes.
Over and over again we learn that Obama nor any of his people high up in whatever bureaucracy can accomplish any of these things. They can't do a website. They can't roll out Obamacare. They can't improve health care. They can't run the VA. They can't run the IRS honestly. They turn as much of it as they can into a political weapon furthering the agenda of the president.
The people of America at some point are gonna have to realize that relying on government to fix everything is foolhardy.
The entire Washington political class and establishment cannot see Islamic terrorism when it happens. Well, they actually do see it. They just don't want to call it that, and they don't want anybody else calling it that.
There are many reasons why the Republican establishment hates Donald Trump, and some of them are legitimate. I mean, a lot of people have sensible reasons for be being afraid of Trump - Republicans, conservatives.
Trump has his own audience, which is in many cases as big as or bigger than the media covering him. He doesn't need the media. He enjoys them being around. He likes toying with them. He likes being provocative around them. To him, the media is a plaything. To the Republican and Democrat establishments, the media holds coequal position in the entire power structure of the ruling class.
Make no mistake, the Republican establishment has been relying on the media to be a premier agent in destroying Trump. And they can't. Ergo, there's panic.
It's a consensus that Trump, as the nominee, guarantees the election of Hillary Clinton. I'll guarantee you there's not a single Donald Trump supporter who thinks that.
Donald Trump supporters are as opposed to Hillary Clinton and probably more so than the Republican Party establishment is.
I've never really been a conservative. I've never really been a Republican, never been any of that. I've only been in it for me. And proof of that is that I will not denounce Trump.
If somebody comes up and says, "[Barack] Obama was born in Kenya," the story becomes, "Will Obama succeed in refuting this charge and then can we make these villains making the charge look like reprobates?" No examination of the allegation or examination of the issues.
Herein, folks, lies the answer of [Donald] Trump's success. In other words, the media covers things as stories that you would read about in a book or watch in a movie or a television show - and in this case, in the Republican primary, Trump was not the villain.
[Donald] Trump wanted the nomination, and all these other Republicans and their supporters didn't want Trump to have the nomination. So who became the villains? What Trump wanted became the story. "Will he get it? Will Trump get to 1,237?" Did not Ted Cruz become a villain in the middle of this by virtue of trying to stop the hero by getting delegates in all of the state conventions?
Everything [Ted] Cruz was doing was legal, it was aboveboard, but it was portrayed as Cruz is the villain, and here's [Donald] Trump and what he wants and will he get it? "Will he get to 1,237 before the convention? And if he doesn't, will they block him?"
Therefore, the substance of [Donald] Trump policies never got covered, because it wasn't what interested the media.
Say whatever you will about Donald Trump, there's one thing nobody can deny, and that is he has a can-do spirit - good old American can-do spirit - and Trump's can-do spirit is backed up with Trump's can-do action.