The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.
Look at the world with the vision of peace, love, and compassion. Then the whole world will appear loving and peaceful.
Politics without principles, Education without character, Science without humanity, and Commerce without morality are not only useless, but also positively dangerous.
When you feel you cannot do good, at least desist from doing evil.
Purity comes from Seva... it comes from selfless love.
Good company is important, it helps to cultivate good qualities.
A person might be an expert in any field of knowledge or a master of many material skills and accomplishments. But without inner cleanliness his brain is a desert waste.
The giver gives, but really he is sowing the seed for later, the gift of a rich harvest.
Whatever books you may read, you cannot realize the Divine merely by intellectual effort. Oneness can only be promoted by the practice of love.
Discipline trains you to put up with disappointments, every rose has a thorn.
Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker.
All is divine, all is God, and unity is divinity.
Anger, ego, jealousy are the biggest diseases,Keep yourself aloof from these three diseases.
Man loves because he is Love. He seeks Joy, for he is Joy. He thirsts for God for he is composed of God and he cannot exist without Him.
People have become so selfish that they no longer care for others, or anything other than their own welfare.
First comes Self-confidence, that is the foundation. Then comes Self-satisfaction, it is like the wall. Next comes self-sacrifice, it is like the roof. Finally the house is complete and the Indweller is installed inside; that is Self-realization. It starts with Self-confidence and it ends with realizing the Self.
Without God, life is like a school without a teacher. It is a wire with no current passing through it; it is a body with no soul.
The body is just a water bubble. The mind is like a mad monkey. Do not follow either the body or the mind. Follow the Conscience. It is above the mind. It is permanent. It is the voice of God, the voice of unchanging truth inside you.
Always have complete faith in the indwelling God who takes care of everything. True greatness can only come from faith.
When you do not accept the insult some one casts on you, it goes back to the person who indulged in it first; a registered letter that is not accepted returns to the sender.
All are brothers and sisters. All are one, be alike to everyone. That is Unity... the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God.
The aim of all spiritual practice is love.
Human life is precious, sublime and meaningful. But by involvement in purely worldly pursuits, the greatness of human birth is forgotten. Without human values, life is meaningless. When there is purity in thought, word and deed, human values are practised. The unity of the three H's is essential. 'Heart, Head and Hand. ' But today this unity is absent among people, with the result that men are becoming inhuman.
Without the confidence, nothing can be accomplished.