
Scott McClanahan Quotes

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Samuel Clemens isn't Mark Twain. Mark Twain is Mark Twain. He doesn't become the thing until he creates himself.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.

So much of our culture is bought and manufactured - not to say great art can't come out of that. Some art is really amazing that is manufactured and sold, like action movies and stuff.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.

I guess the things I have always loved are from people who were just being themselves. They were doing these things because they couldn't do it any other way. It was for them.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.

With my stuff, I think I've tried. I've been courted. I don't want to sound like an asshole, but I've been courted to be someone who could sell a lot of books.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.

It's weird. People want you to know that they write. They want you to know they're a musician, rather than making music or making stories. It's the strangest thing.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.

I think maybe it's my personality. People don't like my face.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.

The things that I have loved have always been those extremes where there has been some kind of apocalypse in the person's life, and they come out unscathed or scathed.

"Indie author Scott McClanahan considers art and anecdote through 5 of his favorite books". Interview with Phil McCausland, July 20, 2016.