In April 1975 I was born and the Vietnam War ended. I could not let any American die in war before seeing an episode of Scrubs.
I mean, I understand that Scrubs was my big break, but sooner or later you have to move on. I've already directed a movie, which received very good reviews, so it just seems much more important to me now. I feel that in order to better foster my creativity as an actor and director at this point, I need to be surrounded by other talented, artistic individuals, instead of just goofy comedians.
I like to think of myself as the Chris Benoit of the movie industry, capable of taking any picture and carrying it to box-office success. Take Garden State, without me that would have just been two hours of Portman doging.
I don't have anything against this Jesus guy, but has he written, directed, and starred in his own movie?
My mother's a psychologist, my stepfather's a psychologist, my stepmother is a therapist and my dad's a lawyer. So it was all prominent in my life. I don't know anyone who doesn't know someone on some form of prescription medicine.
I think in a play it's wise to just sit back and watch other actors and be able to shape it from the audience.
I did theater for a few years while I was in New York, but it was tough having to perform scripts worse than what I knew I could write.
I don't think that other races are inferior, I just think that there's something special about white people. Sometimes, when I think about all the things white people have accomplished throughout history, I smile, and I nod, and I think to myself, 'Yeah, I'm glad I'm on that team.'
I guess sometimes God just needs to laugh
I feel really bad for everyone who died on 9/11. Not just the people in the World Trade Center, Pentagon, or Flight 93, but all of the terrorists, too. 'Garden State' came out in 2004. That means none of them got a chance to see it. Let that sink in for a second. No wonder they're building a memorial.
I don't care about image and all that nonsense. I'm in sweat pants every day. I don't play the game at all.
Everyone has a warped vision of Hollywood and what success in Hollywood is like.
I really like just super dry comedy.
Seriously, when's the last time you saw me wear shorts?
I procrastinate so much and I get distracted by anything.
The success of 'Scrubs' allowed me to pursue anything I felt passionately about without having to worry about money. It allowed me to spend my summer work shopping my show at a nonprofit theater.
If Democrats want to start winning elections in this country, they're going to have to start connecting with voters as well as I connect with my fans.
I'm not actually an arrogant guy. It's just that, truthfully, nobody else can really compare to me.
I don't belive Oprah's sexual abuse stories, I mean who would take a black girl when there are plenty of white?
I always liked the story of Noah's Ark and the idea of starting anew by rescuing the things you like and leaving the rest behind.
The biggest problem I had with starring in Scrubs were the black doctors. I just had to keep telling myself this show was satire.
If a benevolent God exists, so does reincarnation. He wouldn't send me here just once.
It's... it's such a weird thing. After Garden State, so many companies wanted to make my movies, and after The Last Kiss, I realized people would make anything I was in. As long as I keep this up I'll be swimming in chubby indie girl pussy.
If John McCain were really a war hero he would've won Vietnam.
Lots of people were giving me flak when I made the deal to do the very last season of Scrubs for $350,000 an episode. When really I'm the one that's being cheated, because the writer's strike is keeping me from all the money that I could be making. I need to eat, too.