
Auctions Quotes

Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.

Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.

"Prejudices: First Series". Book by H. L. Mencken, 1919.

When the leaders choose to make themselves bidders at an auction of popularity, their talents, in the construction of the state, will be of no service. They will become flatterers instead of legislators; the instruments, not the guides, of the people.

Edmund Burke (1790). “Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event. In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris”, p.353

Publication - is the auction of the mind.

Emily Dickinson, Helen Vendler (2010). “Dickinson”, p.333, Harvard University Press

I don't like masterpieces having one-night stands in collectors' homes between auctions.

1989 On quick-turnover profits on his work. In the NewYork Times,10 May.

My first ball I ever got from a big-league player I actually got to purchase in Dodger Stadium in a silent auction, was Reggie Jackson.

"Pedro Martinez slams Don Zimmer again for 2003 bout, Zim admits fault". Interview with Adam Rubin, October 29, 2009.

I was never like, "collect, collect," like people who go to auctions. I never spent a serious amount of time because I don't have any time!

"Mikhail Baryshnikov Shared His Walls". Interview with Lorraine Cwelich, December 10, 2012.

I love going to tag sales, to auctions.

"ABC's Lara Spencer can't wait to host 'Antiques Roadshow' in 2004". Interview with Mary Daniels, July 20, 2003.