You'd be surprised how difficult it is relinquish a cell phone
I don't text, I don't have a Blackberry. Literally, I just have a cell phone that I haven't programmed and the whole Bluetooth. No. I don't even have an earpiece for my cell phone.
Cell phones have gotten so small, you can't tell who's a cell phone user and who's a schizophrenic.
I don't even own a cell phone.
Cell phones, alas, have pretty much ruined train travel, which I used to love. I could read or even sketch notes for what I was working on.
I don't have a cell phone. I am not a Luddite.
I do not want to have a cell phone. I do not want it for cultural reasons. I do not want to be available all the time. I want to have time to think and to touch somebody, and have a meal across my kitchen table without a cell phone, being constantly on tweets.
Cell phones are so convenient that they're an inconvenience.
Before, if your phone was busy, your phone was busy. You had no cell phone. Now people work 24/7, their BlackBerry keeps them busy, and e-mail - and when do they have time for other pursuits? When do they have time to be politically active?
I truly am not a fan of iPhones, iTunes, Facebook, cell phones - all of these ways to be manipulated these days.
I'm going to put on my gravestone, 'He never owned a cell phone.'
There's the people who have one of these cell phones in their pockets and don't have a clue how it's made. But I really want to understand.
When you got a cell phone you stopped making plans. 'I'll call you when I get there.'
When someone takes a private photo, on a private cell phone, it should remain just that: private.
There weren't even cell phones when we started Garbage, we'd have to pull over to the side of the road and use a payphone to call the venue to make sure you knew where you were going and now of course everything is completely changed.
The reson I don't own a cell phone is I like making plans and being free and being normal, the way everyone was back in the 80's. Kill your cell phone.