
Country Quotes - Page 50

If country life be healthful to the body, it is no less so to the mind.

Giovanni Ruffini (1857). “Doctor Antonio: a tale of Italy”, p.298

And the voices in the waves are always whispering to Florence, in their ceaseless murmuring, of love - of love, eternal and illimitable, not bounded by the confines of this world, or by the end of time, but ranging still, beyond the sea, beyond the sky, to the invisible country far away!

Charles Dickens (1867). “Charles Dickens's works. Charles Dickens ed. [18 vols. of a 21 vol. set. Wanting A child's history of England; Christmas stories; The mystery of Edwin Drood].”, p.502

As I travel across the country speaking about MS, perhaps I can offer others comfort and hope.

Annette Funicello, Norman Vincent Peale, Christopher Reeve, Michael J. (CON) Fox (2008). “Stories to Comfort the Soul”, GuidepostsBooks

America is a country that seems forever to be toddler or teenager, at those two stages of human development characterized by conflict between autonomy and security.

Anna Quindlen (2010). “Thinking Out Loud: On the Personal, the Political, the Public and the Private”, p.55, Ballantine Books