
Discrepancies Quotes

Between memory and reality there are awkward discrepancies.

"Written on Water". Book by Eileen Chang, trans. Andrew F. Jones New York: Columbia University Press, 2. "Writing of One's Own", pp. 17 - 18, 2005.

In cases of major discrepancy its always reality thats got it wrong ... reality is frequently inaccurate.

Douglas Adams (2010). “The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, p.223, Del Rey

Credibility is lost when there are big discrepancies between what leaders say and what they do. ... Increasing credibility requires openness. Hidden agendas will destroy trust.

Judith M. Bardwick (1995). “Danger in the Comfort Zone: From Boardroom to Mailroom--how to Break the Entitlement Habit That's Killing American Business”, p.106, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn

Between the reputation of the author living and the reputation of the same author dead there is ever a wide discrepancy.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1970). “The Works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich: Ponkapog papers. A sea turn, and other matters”