Good Friend Quotes - Page 3

The strength of a good friendship that goes the distance will be unconditional love.
Brian Houston (2013). “How To Maxmise Your Life”, p.53, Hillsong Music Australia
Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.
Louisa May Alcott (2001). “Little Women”, p.584, Broadview Press
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (1967). “Wit and Wisdom of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle: Being a Treasury of Thousands of Glorious, Inspiring and Imperishable Thoughts, Views and Observations of the Three Great Greek Philosophers, Classified Under about Four Hundred Subjects for Comparative Study”
George S. Clason (2013). “The Richest Man In Babylon”, p.16,
Plato (1949). “Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito, and the Death Scene from Phaedo”
E. Lockhart (2016). “Fly on the Wall”, p.35, Bonnier Publishing Fiction Ltd.
S. E. Hinton (2012). “That Was Then, This Is Now”, p.28, Penguin
'The Illiterate Digest' (1924) 'Breaking into the Writing Game'
I know what things are good: friendship and work and conversation. These I shall have.
Timothy Rogers, Rupert Brooke (1971). “Rupert Brooke: A Reappraisal and Selection from His Writings”
A good friend keeps your secrets for you. A best friend helps you keep your own secrets.
Lauren Oliver (2015). “The Lauren Oliver Collection: Before I Fall, Panic, Vanishing Girls”, p.47, HarperCollins