
Kitties Quotes

I scoop Emmy winners like kitty litter.

Song: Maybach Music Pt. 2, Album: Deeper Than Rap, 2009

You put quite a fight for a tame kitty

Erin Hunter (2009). “Warriors #1: Into the Wild”, p.13, Harper Collins

Oh you’re heist-drunk Kitty Kat. And you have been since the Henley.

Ally Carter (2011). “Uncommon Criminals”, p.33,

The pyjamas have cats on them. I am informed that these cats belong to an organisation called Hello Kitty.

Martin Millar (2010). “Lonely Werewolf Girl: Number 1 in series”, p.568, Hachette UK

If any young men come for Mary or Kitty, send them in, for I am quite as leisure.

Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jane Austen, Lewis Carroll, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (2014). “The 10 Greatest Books of All Time”, p.848, Google Publishing

It’s sweet. All this trouble for a kitty.

Holly Black (2010). “White Cat”, p.112, Simon and Schuster