
Riding Quotes - Page 4

All in green went my love riding

"All in green went my love riding" l. 1 (1923)

There is something about riding down the street on a prancing horse that makes you feel like something, even when you ain't a thing.

Will Rogers, James Smallwood, Steven K. Gragert (1982). “Will Rogers' Weekly Articles: The Hoover years, 1929-1931”

Gertrudis got on her horse and rode away. She wasn't riding alone--she carried her childhood beside her, in the cream fritters she had enclosed in a jar in her saddlebag

Laura Esquivel (1994). “Like water for chocolate: a novel in monthly installments, with recipes, romances, and home remedies”, Anchor

I love bikes. I used to own one, but I fell off it when I was younger and that was the end of my bike riding days until now.

"Idris Elba GHOST RIDER SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE On-Set Interview". Group interview, January 5, 2012.