War Quotes - Page 144

Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow; decision, to the releasing of a trigger.
Sun Tzu (2016). “The Art of War”, p.23, Xist Publishing
Sun Tzu, Julius Caesar, Einhard, Niccolò Machiavelli, Carl von Clausewitz (2016). “Strategy Six Pack”, p.11, Lulu.com
He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
Sun Tzu, General Press (2016). “The Art of War”, p.14, GENERAL PRESS
Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of business.
The Art of War (6th century b.c.).
Ronald Reagan (2004). “Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches”, p.249, Simon and Schuster
Roger McGough (1989). “Selected poems, 1967-1987”, Jonathan Cape
"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". Book by Robert M. Pirsig, 1974.
Letter to his son, G. W. Custis Lee, January 23, 1861.
Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.
"General Robert E. Lee After Appomattox" by Franklin Lafayette Riley, (p. 18), 1922.
Raymond Aron (1997). “Thinking Politically: A Liberal in the Age of Ideology”, p.227, Transaction Publishers