The fact is, we need help, and we need each other.
How can you begin to uncover whether gluten sensitivity is causing some of your health issues? Symptoms occur shortly after eating gluten and improve or disappear within hours or days after gluten is withdrawn. Symptoms return again if gluten is reintroduced.
Dinner is where the magic happens in the kitchen.
I was not going to kick back and wait for the unknown. I was going to dive in and become a full-time healing junkie.
My mom always said I liked to stir the pot with a glittering spoon.
Stress is not...a badge of courage
I love to breathe. Oxygen is sexy!
Gut health is the key to overall health.
If I let a blue mood run rampant, before I know it I'm obsessing about the color of the satin lining in my coffin - will it match my dress? That's when I feel like Alice in Cancerland falling down the rabbit hole and just have to stop.
We are more capable of turning around our global health crisis than we think.
While I may never be in remission from cancer, I am currently in remission from an unhealthy relationship to food.
Every time I see a cardinal, I know my grandmother is with me. This regal, red bird was Grandma's favorite.
I was asleep at the wheel before cancer shook me awake.
For nearly a decade now, I've been teaching others how to thrive by filling their bodies with energizing vitamins, nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Not a day goes by when someone doesn't write me to say, "Thanks, I feel better now, too." Those letters from my readers are my digital cardinals.
Yes, I have cancer and it might not go away, but I can still have a future because life goes on.
When you're the conscious captain in your kitchen, you'll feel better mentally and physically.
Although Grandma's passion had led me to the power of food, not all of her recipes were healthy. I kept her gusto and the love that she put into her cuisine but ditched the ingredients that bought her a one-way ticket to arthritis, diverticulitis and a host of other inflammatory conditions. I also ditched my own addictions and compulsions around food, especially sugar.
If you really want to turn your health around, start juicing today.
Cancer is very chaotic.
I cherish my work and all of my readers.
Whether you're reaching for one of your favorite cookbooks or just winging it, do your best to keep a well-stocked arsenal of healthy ingredients at your disposal. At the very least, you'll always be ready to whip up a green juice or smoothie.
We're taught to solely blame our luck-of-the-draw genes for our health issues, rather than our daily habits, dietary choices, and interplay with the environment that surrounds us.
If I had my dream, we'd all be eating more plants and less garbage.
I am capable, confident, intelligent, resilient and in charge. Health and happiness are my birthrights and I accept with gratitude.
I am so frickin' cool and delicious and pretty and witty and sharp! I love every inch of me! Who wouldn't?