Make it smart. Make it beautiful. Have fun.
Most ideas are a bit scary, and if an idea isn't scary, it's not an idea at all.
Baby Steps are for Babies, Not Brands. Be Amazing or Be Surpassed.
Actions speak louder than meetings.
Good advertising is a dialog with people.
If it's been done, do it better. If it hasn't been done, do it so well that better is not an option.
Everything a brand does is advertising.
What I've always loved to do is build a brand that's so cool that you want to wear their T-shirt.
An ad should be an appetizer, not a buffet.
Creative people are 50% ego and 50% insecurity.
Consumers never complain about ads being too smart.
The smartest advertising is the advertising that communicates the best and respects the consumer's intelligence.
Creativity thrives on a consistent diet of challenges and opportunities, which are often one and the same.
I’d rather apologize than to be so timid as to never try to do anything smart or brave.
If you'd put it in a Powerpoint deck don't put it in your ad
Shocking is easy. Shockingly brilliant, a bit more challenging.
I've never found a client's business problem that could be solved solely through advertising.
There's an independence to surfing, it's just you and the ocean. There aren't a bunch of rules.
You have to be daring and make something that doesn't look like anybody else.
Listen real hard to the smartest guy in the room before you go trying to prove how smart you are.
[In 2007] People's relationship with a brand is becoming a dialog, not a monolog.
An incredible advertising career is not about creating an incredibly amazing ad, it's about making an incredible amazing ad every single day of your career, it's about getting those adds killed, and resurrecting them over and over again. It's about your season average not that occasional home-run.
Hey! You can be more than just a car company. You can be more than just a pet food company. You can aspire to loving dogs, rather than just feeding dogs.
A thing that most creatives don't do well is that you've gotta learn to listen.
I have always felt the word 'advertising' is either a diminutive or derogatory term that kind of goes with stuff people don't like, and I always felt frustrated because I felt like I was a communication artist or a media artist. The best advertising is one of the art forms of our culture.