I think one of the things helping Donald Trump is, he hasn't known what he can't do. It's not in his vernacular. It's not in his vocabulary. It's not in his way of thinking what he can't do, what you're not supposed to do.
If you listen to Barack Obama, if you listen to Hillary Clinton, they're portraying Donald Trump as this deep, dark, dividing, dank presence that sees America as dwindling away and failing and everybody's in bad shape. They think they're the paragons of optimism.
Profitability is where growth takes place.
You need a positive attitude nationwide.
Hillary [Clinton] got defeated by the alt-right or by white supremacism or what have you. And they continue to lie to themselves, as does the entire Democrat Party.
The media is not about the arena of ideas. The media is not about persuading. The media is about overcoming the will of the people. The media has joined forces with the Democrat Party, members of the Democrat Party, and the extreme radical left in the United States to advance the extreme radical leftist agenda.
It's not his job, the president's, to pick winners and losers, nor to pass judgment on anybody.
The Russians could not have had any impact whatsoever on voting in America, either how they were cast or how they were counted.
The left - which is run by Obama and Hillary Clinton and the hierarchy in the Democrat Party - is doing everything they can to undermine, to sabotage, and to prevent Trump from implementing his agenda. There's no question about it.
Obama had the media; Obama had the judiciary; Obama had all kinds of support. At an Obama press conference, typical question, "What enchants you?" I mean, Obama was never challenged seriously by the media.
The less Hillary Clinton speaks, the less she's seen, the higher her numbers go.
Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton's positions are far more in line with the German National Socialism approach than Trump could even dream of being.
Hillary Clinton doesn't give anybody anything. With Hillary Clinton it's all incoming. There's no outgoing, there's no outflow with Hillary Clinton.
It's a badge of honor to have your name called by Trump and be made a nickname.
In fact, in the early days of the Republican primary, I was pointing to Governor [Scott ] Walker as the one guy who was demonstrating he knew how to fight back against the radical left and win! And he's tough, and he didn't shrink from it.
JFK [John F. Kennedy] was young, glamorous, Camelot, funny, engaging. Congress loved him.
That is like in my parents' generation, Walter Cronkite. If you were gonna go into broadcasting, if you weren't gonna be Walter Cronkite, you may as well not go into it. Even after I'd try and tell my parents that he was the epitome of left-wing bias. Well, my dad knew it. My grandfather wouldn't believe it.
But there's a lot of them that had that exact reaction, who had never heard Trump speak before. And I remember when I said this after [Donald] Trump's speech, I had a lot of emails. "Come, Rush! It's not... People aren't that segregated anymore." Don't doubt me on this. The left, you do not know how they sequester themselves.
The left know they don't have any popular support for what they really believe. They do know that, folks. They may never admit that but they know it. That's why everything has to be forced - and tthey don't care, by the way. They don't care. I mean, the fact that what they believe in doesn't have popular support does not slow them down at all.
We do not force things on people. That's not how we want things to eventuate. That's not how we want things to happen. We have what we consider to be, anyway, a respect for our form of government, a constitutional republic. We believe in it. We want legitimate mandates. We win an election, we want it to be because the genuine majority of people who share our beliefs. We don't think we accomplish anything by forcing something on people. But that's not the way the left looks at this at all. They can only get what they want by forcing it on people.
This is a typical liberal trick, by the way: Stack the deck so the whole thing fails leaving only one option, the government to go in to save the day.
Dr. Benjamin Carson is one of the finest, most accomplished human beings on this planet who has done more for people than most people in politics will ever do. And he's done it personally, not with other people's money.
Young people have been educated and raised to believe that that aspect of our history disqualifies America from ever being anything that you can justify, from ever being anything great, from ever being anything with any goodness in it, that the United States is forever blemished.
If you've been preached to, if you've been educated, if you've been raised to believe that America is the most racist, the most disgustingly vile nation in the history of the world, and you are white, then you can inoculate yourself. You can immunize yourself from being associated with that aspect of American history because you are white, by becoming anti-American, anti-this and anti-that.
There's no question that the media today has a relationship with Barack Obama that... I can't say it's unique, because the modern-day media is the Democrat Party and their objective is to advance the Democrat Party agenda as well as try to discredit any opposing agenda, which would be us and the Republicans. But the relationship they've got with Obama is above and beyond that.