I want people to enjoy the fruits of their labors.
I've earned this microphone. No one gave this to me. I've earned this microphone. I use it each day to enter the arena of ideas, and do whatever I can to persuade you to agree with me.
Even in the early days of America when it was largely an agrarian or agricultural, farmer-type of economy. There were still cities; there were still elites.
If people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.
I mean, if it's worth a cover story that men and women are born different, what in the world must you believe and who got you to believe it?And I'm telling you: It's feminism and liberalism and all these things that seek to make everybody the same, to make everybody "equal," to have equal outcomes, make sure nobody's offended or humiliated, and to make sure nobody's really that much better than anybody else 'cause it isn't fair all these differences.
Liberals talk about the 'income inequality' and the 'unfairness' and the disparity of the haves and the have-nots in New York City. Who has been running that city for all this time? Who has created the underclass in this country? It's the Democrat Party.
There are exceptions to everything, but most businesses want to hire the best they can get for what they have to offer. If all they've got to offer is 15 an hour, they want the best they can get for it. They don't want the worst.
If you really, really want to help people, stop denying them their dreams when they're young.
It's time to see that there's no such thing as unity in the Democrat Party, ever. They are a disparate coalition of different groups that have one or two unifying precincts: High taxes, Big Government.
I am addicted to prescription pain medication.
Psychologically, when I sit down at noon, I'm it. I'm the only thing on. Nobody else does what I do. Nobody else has the opportunity. That's the psychological mindset. It's not an ego thing; it's just the way I've always approached it.
In many people's many people's minds this is the sole reason Barack Obama was elected. He was elected to fix race relations.
I understand it's seductive to use green technologies, for people who want to believe it. But it is a hoax in the sense that it's nothing more than another of the never-ending issues, political issues by the left, by the Democrat Party, to advance their ultimate agenda of bigger and bigger government and more and more control.
Media hosts just talk about Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher and again miss the point. I was talking about AMERICAN culture, ladies and gentlemen. As I pointed out, if Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir, by the way, she didn't care, and Margaret Thatcher didn't care how she look like. If Margaret Thatcher were running for president today, as she was when she was the Iron Lady, we wouldn't have her mom doing television commercials telling us how wonderful she was when she was a kid and how nice she is.
One thing to argue against Hillary Clinton being harmed by my saying on aging is that when you take Hollywood and television and look at the primary demographic there. Hollywood movies. Most of them are made for guys that still have acne, just reached puberty, you know, under 24. And they don't vote, the lowest common denominator in terms of age demographics.
Are any of you out there worried that it means something bad that [Donald] Trump has decided not to prosecute Hillary [Clinton]? I'm just asking, because I'm hearing from people who are.
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards urged women to push the pro-abortion movement to the next level by publicly bragging about their own abortions, saying the next step is get rid of the 'stigma and shame' surrounding abortion. You mean they haven't done that yet? Abortion became legal in 1973.I thought they'd gotten rid of the "'stigma and shame' surrounding abortion" by converting pregnancy into an illness, which they've done. Pregnancy is an illness. It victimizes women.
Profitability is where the country grows and everybody rises up with it.
Life in America is nothing but struggle, you gotta continue to try to overcome. Keep organizing, Obama said, keep organizing, grab a clipboard, get your signatures and start protesting, run for office yourself, but the shtruggle, the shtruggle is what defines us and we must continue with the shtruggle. Just pathetic, folks, the whole thing is pathetic.
Robert Mueller himself has perhaps the best and the cleanest reputation in all of official Washington. He is Mr. Integrity. He is Mr. Cultured. He is Mr. Mannered. He is Mr. Sophisticated. There isn't a soul in Washington who dares utter nary a negative word about Mueller.
Politics has got its own rules and boundaries, and the daily narrative and the conventions. And if everybody in it concludes that Trump equals reprobate, Trump is a sleaze, Trump's... If you don't flow with it - if you don't at least admit to the premise first and then try to, you know, qualify yourself - you're dead in that world. It's a follow-me world, politics is, and the left runs it, and there are just certain things that you have to accept.
I am not retiring until every American agrees with me, and there's some work still to be done on this.
If you compare charitable donations, you name it, religious tithing, giving, Americans trump citizens of the world hands down.
The last thing they want is a revitalized economy now. I'm not saying the Democrats don't want a strong economy. Don't misunderstand. They just don't want it now.
Unions are the result of profit seekers. Unions are the way the average guy gets even with evil corporateers. The unions are godsends. The unions have a special status, because they represent the rising up of the average man against the evil corporateers and profiteers.