
Scott Adams Quotes - Page 11

By definition, risk-takers often fail. So do morons. In practice it's difficult to sort them out.

Scott Adams (1996). “The Dilbert principle: a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions”

Failure is a resource that can be managed.

Scott Adams (2013). “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life”, p.17, Penguin

I'm not happy on vacation. In those rare times when I have three hours with no work I have to do, I'm terribly uncomfortable.

"Scott Adams Keeps the Home Office Humming". Interview with Adam Bryant, September 7, 1997.

When virtual reality gets cheaper than dating, society is doomed.

"Fictional character: Dogbert". "Dilbert" comic strip, October 14, 1994.