Risk deters those who see what they could lose. Those focused on the gain see it as a necessary part of their journey, even if the possibility of loss exists.
I'd rather play in the major leagues and have some bad games than play consistently good ball in the minors.
To spend more money, you have to have more money, but time is fixed and we all have the same amount to spare. How we choose to spend it can make a significant difference on the impact we have in our careers or in the world.
Leadership isn't answering the questions others ask. Leadership is asking others to answer their own questions.
Great leaders see money as fuel, not a destination.
Innovation is not born from the dream, innovation is born from the struggle
If a movement is to have an impact it must belong to those who join it, not those who lead it.
We learn most not from all of the things that go right. We learn most when everything goes wrong.
The value of experimentation is not the trying. It's the trying again after the experiment fails.
Remaining calm in times of desperation makes way for opportunity.
We should always choose to work with people we love. They are the ones who will watch our back and our future.
Taking a job for the cash is not as important as taking a job for the joy.
I like stories of the classic hero, of good versus evil, the ones in which the good guys wear white and the bad guys wear black... and I love a good sword fight.
Nike doesn't want to make products for everyone - they want to make products for champions.
We all have the luxury of looking out for ourselves. Leaders also have the honor of looking out for others.
Good marketing offers us a view of the world. Bad marketing offers us a product to buy.
Progress is more important than perfection.
You are authentic when everything you say and everything you do you ACTUALLY believe.
Humility, I have learned, must never be confused with meekness. Humility is being open to the ideas of others.
Optimism is the ability to focus on where we're going, not where we're coming from.
A good leader takes care of those in their charge. A bad leader takes charge of those in their care.
The people who say,"What guarantee do I have?" I walk away. I'll get you later.
I don't care about preaching to the converted.
When a player has a slump, we do not trade them, we coach them. It is the same with our employees.
Following takes why. Transactions take what. It has to be real. It has to be the same for writing a book.