Voltaire Quotes about Inspirational

It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.
"The Age of Louis XIV". Book by Voltaire, 1751.
Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.
Voltaire (1762). “Works”, p.114
"Brutus". Play by Voltaire (Act II, Scene I), 1730.
"The Philosophical Works: Treatise On Tolerance, Philosophical Dictionary, Candide, Letters on England, Plato’s Dream, Dialogues, The Study of Nature, Ancient Faith and Fable, Zadig…".
Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause.
Voltaire (2016). “Voltaire – The Philosophical Works: Treatise On Tolerance, Philosophical Dictionary, Candide, Letters on England, Plato’s Dream, Dialogues, The Study of Nature, Ancient Faith and Fable, Zadig…: From the French writer, historian and philosopher, famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion and freedom of expression”, p.1615, e-artnow
It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one.
Voltaire (1956). “Candide: and other writings”
Letter to Duc de Richelieu, 18 June 1744. Although this saying is now associated with Voltaire, he is obviously quoting an Italian proverb here. The French form, which he used later, is Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.
Voltaire (1919). “Voltaire in His Letters: Being a Selection from His Correspondence”
Voltaire (1963). “Candide”
The husband who decides to surprise his wife is often very much surprised himself.
"La Femme Qui a Raison,". Book by Voltaire, 1759.