
Wayne Dyer Quotes about Inspirational - Page 2

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Spend some time observing babies. They don't work; they poop in their pants, and they have no goals other than to expand, grow and explore this amazing world. Be like that baby you once were, in terms of being joyful.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “The Invisible Force: 365 Ways to Apply the Power of Intention to Your Life: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition”, p.106,

Practice being the kind of person you wish to attract.

Wayne W. Dyer (2010). “The Power of Intention”, p.227, Hay House, Inc

You're only lonely if you don't like the person you are alone with.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Staying on the Path: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition”, p.28,

You get what you think about whether you want it or not.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (2016). “Being in Balance: 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires”, p.23, Hay House, Inc

It's never crowded along the extra mile.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “A Promise Is a Promise: An Almost Unbelievable Story of a Mother's Unconditional Love and What It Can Teach Us: Easyread Large Edition”, p.1,

The more space you allow and encourage within a relationship, the more the relationship willflourish.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Staying on the Path: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition”, p.79,

You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Staying on the Path: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition”, p.22,


Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Staying on the Path: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition”, p.92,

You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, 'I release the need for this in my life'.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Staying on the Path: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition”, p.37,

Did you ever notice how difficult it is to argue with someone who is not obsessed with being right?

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Staying on the Path: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition”, p.4,

On your daily journeys, listen to those inner signals that help you make the right choices no matter what anyone thinks.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Everyday Wisdom for Success (Easyread Large Edition)”, p.131,

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.

Wayne W. Dyer (2009). “Everyday Wisdom for Success (Easyread Large Edition)”, p.205,