Most comedians I know are quite serious, anxious people who find life rather difficult. As a consequence, they make people laugh.
I could never be a professional comedian, 'cause you have to keep telling the same jokes. For me, they're like word solos.
I'm a comedian at the beginning and the end of the day. I'm not affiliated with any campaign, nor do I generally find politics interesting enough to plan to be involved.
I always fancied myself more of an actor than a comedian before I realized that only assholes make that kind of distinction.
If you're a comedian, you are looking for material in daily life.
I paid attention to not being a comedian, and just concentrated on being who I was. That is what you have to do. If you say you are a comedian that has been done before. If you just be who you are then you are unique. Everyone is unique.
I don't think a comedian should even be concerned with being cool or sexy, as soon as you do, you aren't a comedian any more. Looks are still the most important thing for women when it comes to meeting a partner. And that's fair enough, but a sense of humour is really important too. For starters, it's a great indicator of whether you are going to get on. If the first time you go on a date you don't find each other funny, there's a fundamental problem.
If you're into comedy, you will know what the show is about. We have so many comedy geeks, comedy enthusiasts, fanatical people who go to comedy festivals and follow comedians, and really treat it like rock 'n' roll - which it can be, but more like the geeky rock 'n' roll.
Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids) is a gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success.
I usually just say I'm a stand-up comedian, but I use looping machines to create ideas with my voice.
Good comedians are great philosophers.
We seek our friend not sacredly, but with an adulterate passion which would appropriate him to ourselves.
I love it when artists talk about process! I love the movie Comedian.
Many comedians have a dark side that lets them take a negative thing and turn it funny.
If I want to keep working as an actor, I'm going to become a comedian who does fart jokes.
I'm the only comedian qualified to navigate a supertanker.
You don't have to be inspired by comedians. You have to be inspired by things that are real, whether it's music, comedy...a movie - that should inspire you.
You have to go away to come back. That's just normal. That's with bands, actors, comedians, everything.
I don't consider myself a comedian because I don't really concern myself too much with jokes.
As a comedian, I'm like one of those on-the-scene reporters. I will actually go and try to find disasters so I can write jokes as the disasters unfold.
Some performers are brilliant comedians, some are genius musicians, and some just make you happy to be alive. THE BOBS are all of that - and then some.
I think having an outsider's viewpoint is interesting and good, especially for a comedian.
You saw a lot of guys, especially in the early '90s, whose acts were a pitch for a sitcom. A lot of them were very funny, but there's nothing worse than watching comedians or musicians who are up there and are doing something they're not interested in.
You know, in Los Angeles, you're constantly in your car, you're sealed up, you're not walking around. Whereas in New York, after a while, all your stuff is kind of public, in one way or the other. I'm not saying either one of those is bad; they're both great for a very specific kind of comedian. And I'm glad that they both exist.
With a comedian, it's the opposite. You put that album out, and they've heard it. If they're coming out to see you, you'd better be doing new stuff. There's always a tiny part of the audience that want to hear certain bits of yours, or they've brought friends to see you, and they've told them about some of your bits. Then maybe you should do them.