You got a bag of pot, there's someone who wants to buy it from you. So in a weird way, marijuana has [become] and is becoming the new currency of the world.
I believe that all marijuana is medical.
Marijuana has become like currency. Anytime you grow a crop like marijuana, or wheat, or corn, or anything that people consume on a daily basis, you're [getting] into a huge economic area.
But my humble opinion is, I'm not quite sure where I stand on the legalization of drugs - though, if tequila is legal, pot should probably be legal.
Marijuana allows one to take a breath and see the realities of a situation without the news beating their interpretation into our brains. Pot relaxes you.
The role of the federal government is to protect our liberties. That means they should protect our religious liberties to do what we want; our intellectual liberty, but it also should protect our right to do to our body what we want, you know, what we take into our bodies.
Really? My people do the same thing.
Public opinion has been evolving nationwide when it comes to marijuana policy, and Californians have always been ahead of the curve.
Everywhere I go, people hear Ricky Williams and the next thing they think is marijuana or wasted talent.
I am the representative of all the sick people and what they are doing to me is only the worst case right now, but there will be others. I am living on borrowed time anyway. I owe this part of my life to luck and modern medical science. But I can't imagine what the rest of it will be like if they won't let me use medical marijuana.
I’m sure a lot of you have tripped out on alcohol. It’s a lot safer to do it on marijuana
I do smoke in real life. A lot. We're all smoking right now in fact.
I'm questioning it. We're trying to get a lot of money for health and education and I'm wondering... You look at these gangs, and I look back at Prohibition. When we didn't allow alcohol, what did we have? We had gangs. We had big gangs. It's something that needs to be discussed a little more. It's an economic issue and a violence issue.
For every child of an illegal immigrant who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert (
If alcohol is legal, I don't see why people still have a ban on marijuana.
I took great pride in my performance on and off the field, and often questioned why our culture embraces alcohol while simultaneously stigmatizing those who choose to consume a less harmful alternative, marijuana…it is inconsistent, both legally and socially, for our laws to punish adults who make the ‘safer’ choice.
Oh, I did stop smoking a long time ago.
And all I knew about drugs was what I read in magazines like Time and Life. I learned that marijuana was a dangerous addictive drug and that I should stay away from it.
My point is pot is no more and probably less harmful than alcohol is. I don't understand the stigma of not legalizing marijuana. And I don't even smoke it. I don't understand why. I don't get it.
A house panel in Texas has approved full marijuana legalization for the state. Yeah, meaning Texas could go from having dude ranches to 'Dude, ranches.'
There's a growing trend of older Americans who are using marijuana in their retirement. That makes sense because old people are always talking about their joints.
San Francisco hosted the first medical marijuana job fair. The keynote speech was titled, 'Jobs and How to Avoid Getting One.'
In fact, marijuana lowers your stress level and lowers your body temperature. It actually seems that people live longer if they use it. If you substitute marijuana for tobacco and alcohol, you'll add 24 years to your life.
I'm not going to be Bill Clinton and say I never inhaled. I did inhale. I liked tobacco a lot better.
I'm opposed to legalizing marijuana because it acts as a gateway drug.