Mirrors Quotes - Page 5

We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.
Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, Jerome Agel (1996). “The medium is the massage: an inventory of effects”, Hardwired
Khushwant Singh (1990). “Delhi”, p.248, Penguin Books India
My doctor told me to watch my drinking. Now I drink in front of a mirror.
Rodney Dangerfield (2009). “It's Not Easy Bein' Me: A Lifetime of No Respect but Plenty of Sex and Drugs”, p.88, Zondervan
Mahatma Gandhi (1964). “Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”
How the Good Guys Finally Won: Notes from an Impeachment Summer (1975). Usually quoted as "smoke and mirrors."
"Iggy's Trail of Destruction". Rolling Stone interview, November 19, 2003.
"Time, Technology, and the Creative Spirit in Political Science". The American Political Science Review Volume 21, Issue 1, February 1927.