
Simile Quotes

A good simile,--as concise as a king's declaration of love.

A good simile,--as concise as a king's declaration of love.

Laurence Sterne (1790). “The Works of Laurence Sterne: Complete in Eight Volumes”, p.221

Never use a long word where a short one will do.

George Orwell (1961). “Collected essays”

Looking for an entirely reliable informant is like looking for a chaste mistress.

Cassandra Clare (2013). “The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel; Clockwork Prince; Clockwork Princess”, p.206, Simon and Schuster

A simile is just a metaphor with the scaffolding still up.

James Geary (2011). “I Is an Other: The Secret Life of Metaphor and How it Shapes the Way We See the World”, p.8, Harper Collins

If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out

George Orwell (2013). “Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Annotated Edition”, p.332, Penguin UK

Thou hast the most unsavoury similes.

'Henry IV, Part 1' (1597) act 1, sc. 2, l. [89]

Grinning like a necrophiliac in a morgue.

"The Light Fantastic (Discworld, Book 2)". Book by Terry Pratchett, 1986.