Yoga Quotes - Page 6
"BKS Iyengar Yoga The Path to Holistic Health".
"The evolutions of ethics". The Atlantic Monthly, CCII, reprinted in "Unified English", Ardent Media, p. 247, November 1958.
"The Sacred Edict: Containing Sixteen Maxims of the Emperor Kang-He". Book by Yu-p'u Wang (p. 298), 1817.
Carl Gustav Jung, Herbert Read, Michael Scott Montague Fordham, Gerhard Adler (1969). “The Collected Works of C. G. Jung: Psychology and religion, West and East”
Ramana (Maharshi.), Paul Brunton, Mungala Venkataramiah (1984). “Conscious Immortality: Conversations with Ramana Maharshi”