I feel sorry for little babies... When a little baby is born into this cold world, he's confused! He's frightened! He needs something to cheer him up... The way I see it, as soon as a baby is born, he should be issued a banjo!
Five hundred years from now, who'll know the difference?!
Humor is proof that everything is going to be all right with God nevertheless.
I proved to you that psychiatry is an exact science!" "An exact science?!" "Yes, you owe me exactly one hundred and forty-three dollars!
Snoopy (musing on his rooftop): Good Grief! Is it November already? My life is going by too fast. I think someone pushed the "Fast Forward" button.
Charlie Brown got hit with a line-drive!" "Does anyone here know anything about first-aid?" "It's probably not serious... Second or third-aid will do.
Do you have your own room, Charlie Brown?" "Oh, yes... I have a very nice room." "I hope you realize that you won't always have your own room... Someday you'll get drafted or something, and you'll have to leave your room forever!" "Why do you tell me things like that?" "It's on a list I've made up for you... I call it, Things You Might As Well Know!
One night I was sitting listening to some Hank Williams songs - and they'll change your life in a hurry.
The only time a dog gets complimented is when he doesn't do anything.
Never set your stomach for a jelly-bread sandwich until you're sure there's some jelly!
Love is a letter on pink stationery.
You can't eat compliments.
It won't do you any good to run if you're running the wrong way. I've developed a new philosophy...I only dread one day at a time.
Love is not knowing what you're talking about.
The secret to speed-reading is moving your lips faster.
Love is letting him win even though you know you could slaughter him.
I despise those shallow religious comics. Dennis the Menace, for instance, is the most shallow. When they show him praying - I just can't stand that sort of thing, talking to God about some cutesy thing that he'd done during the day. I don't think Hank Ketcham has any deep knowledge of things like that.
Mom put a note in my lunch again, I see... Dear son, I hope you will study hard in summer school... Do not look upon it as a punishment, but rather as a privilege... We are very proud of you, and want you to have a good education. This note will self-destruct in five seconds.
Little brothers are the buck privates of life!
What happened to fun?" "Our insurance doesn't cover it!
A beep on the nose is a sign of great affection.
See the valentine I made for Linus? On the inside, I wrote, To my sweet babboo." "He says he's not your sweet babboo." "What does he know?
If I stand here, I can see the Little Red Haired girl when she comes out of her house... Of course, if she sees me peeking around this tree, she'll think I'm the dumbest person in the world... But if I don't peek around the tree, I'll never see her... Which means I probably AM the dumbest person in the world... which explains why I'm standing in a batch of poison oak.
You can't survive by sucking the juice from a wet mitten.
That's the only dog I know who can smell someone just thinking about food.