H. L. Mencken Quotes - Page 7
H.L. Mencken (2013). “Minority Report”, p.416, Knopf
Communism, like any other revealed religion, is largely made up of prophecies.
H.L. Mencken (2013). “Minority Report”, p.277, Knopf
A Little Book in C Major ch. 6 (1916)
H.L. Mencken (2013). “Minority Report”, p.416, Knopf
H.L. Mencken (2013). “Minority Report”, p.174, Knopf
H.L. Mencken (2013). “Notes On Democracy”, p.41, Knopf
There is always a well-known solution to every human problem - neat, plausible, and wrong.
"The Divine Afflatus". New York Evening Mail, November 16, 1917; reprinted in H. L. Mencken "Prejudices: Second Series", 1920, and in "A Mencken Chrestomathy: His Own Selection of His Choicest Writing" edited by H. L. Mencken, 1949.
H.L. Mencken (2012). “Mencken Chrestomathy”, p.616, Vintage
Christian - One who is willing to serve three Gods, but draws the line at one wife.
"A Mencken Chrestomathy: His Own Selection of His Choicest Writing". Book by H. L. Mencken, 1949.
H.L. Mencken (2012). “Diary of H. L. Mencken”, p.635, Vintage
"Charting the Candidates '72". Book by Ronald Van Doren, p. 7, 1972.