If you're watching cable news, you are going to get a distorted picture.
If you have to keep telling us that Hillary Clinton’s uber-qualified, there must be some doubt about it. It must not be self-evident. It must not be apparent. And the reason it is not apparent and self-evident is because it isn’t true. The woman is no more qualified to be president than anybody else.
We keep hearing how qualified Hillary Clinton is. She's well prepared to be president, more exposure to the president than anybody else. Hillary Clinton is the most prepared to be impeached in advance of any presidential candidate America has ever had!
Hillary Clinton will be elected to be impeached.
The media does not act like they ever lose. If Trump wins, their attitude is gonna be, "Well, it's just gonna take us a little longer to destroy him." And they will continue to try to destroy Trump. And they will do it by finding Democrats who think that he deserves to be impeached.
When the Democrat Party lost to Ronald Reagan in two landslides, it was the American people's fault. It was Reagan's fault.
I used to believe that we could change the media. I was as naive as anybody.
When the media would call and want to interview me, I thought it was 'cause they really wanted to find out what I thought about things. I thought it was because they really wanted to find out who I am. That's not what they wanted. They already in their minds knew who I was and they didn't like it, and they wanted face-to-face opportunities to expose my defects and my problems and my racism and bigotry and all this.
I don't believe, folks, that the media people you see on TV every day from NPR to CBS to ABC to NBC to wherever are ever gonna admit they're irrelevant, and they're not gonna start acting like it, and they're never gonna say, "Gee, you know what? We might have to alter the way we're -" It isn't gonna happen, even if it means the end of them.
Republican politicians are contributed to heavily by climate change, global warming, environmentalist wackos. That's how they're brought on board with this, and that's why an outsider like Trump is so appealing to so many people.
After so many years now, it's just suspected by most people that there simply is no way to change the direction Washington's going or the country's going or to do anything about that small group of establishment elitists in both parties that end up running things for themselves.
People feel the deck is being totally stacked against them, and the Democrats have various things in their playbook to go after opponents; taxes is one of them.
The prevent defense prevents victory.
You never do any good being put on the defensive and staying there.
If you dare go out and criticize Hillary Clinton, they'll call you "attacking the girl," "unfairly the attacking the girl" or "unfairly attacking her husband" and it becomes a whole different media narrative.
I'm a big believer in going on offense, and I think Hillary Clinton is the ideal target on whom to go on offense.
I think Hillary Clinton is vulnerable, she is not liked, she is not overwhelmingly popular.
We're in a mess in America, and it's because of what you think. We're in a mess because of your party. We're in a mess, Mrs. Clinton, because you've been there. You were responsible for this economy. You're responsible our foreign policy. You're responsible for the massive illegal immigration.
Everybody thinks America's headed the wrong direction. There's a reason for it. We're where we are because of policies implemented by Obama Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.
If you attack Trump, he's not gonna sit there and take it. He's an alpha male. He's gonna come right back at you and he's gonna keep coming back at you.
Donald Trump doesn't think that he's deficient. Trump doesn't think that he's lacking. Trump doesn't think he needs advisers to tell him what he thinks. Trump is supremely, eminently confident.
There's nobody that knows me that hates me.
Hillary Clinton cannot be honest, in a nationwide campaign, about what she's gonna do. She wouldn't get 30% of the vote, maybe 40, if she did. Just like Obama didn't. Obama didn't campaign on 90% of the stuff that he ended up doing. Quite the opposite, in fact.
You notice that the Democrats are totally unified. I mean, you know they're dragging Algore back out? Algore is being dragged out of the Apple boardroom and wherever else he hangs out to go and rally Millennials on the premise that Millennials will respond to Algore's claim that we are destroying the planet and that he will get their attention.
Hillary's [Clinton] got some problems with Millennials.