When I talk about divorce, I am not blaming the women I've married. It's not their fault.
You're 25 and you're looking at adults of your parents' age and older saying, "I don't want to live that way," and this is how it happens. It evolves slowly and it's not the result of any movement. It's just young people look at the way their parents are living and if they don't like it they don't want to duplicate it.
Certainly nobody gets married wanting to get divorced or even expecting to - except me.
Nobody wants to have meaninglessness in their lives. You probably see a lot of people living their lives that don't have a whole lot of meaning that you can perceive, and you don't want that for yourself.
Most people settle because they don't like themselves enough.
There's a part of me that thinks I'm married to the audience, that I'm married to my job, and that this is where I devote 90% of my energy.
Ninety percent of my thoughts are, "How will this work on the radio?"
The Never Trumpers, they have never been guided by or governed by the premise that Hillary Clinton needs to lose. If they were on the same page as we all are, that the country, that our country needs for Hillary Clinton and the Obama agenda to lose and be stopped, they don't see that. They never have.
The Never Trumpers, many of them are establishment types or - and very important here - wannabe establishment types.
In no way, shape, manner, or form could the conservative movement or a conservative, a Burkean conservative could never, ever vote for some low-life like Donald Trump. It might affect their fundraising, which they need. It might affect their cruises, which they need. There could be any number of reasons for it, but in their minds it's rooted in principle.
Whatever is going on wrong in America today, you cannot pin it on Donald Trump. He's not been there. He has not one fingerprint. He hasn't done one thing regarding anything policy-wise that's happening in the country today, and I think this is why his candidacy is so shocking and frightening to both establishment and Republican Democrats.
Every traditional ways in politics that you get rid of an enemy has not worked on Donald Trump.
The Democrats have always owned the pessimism. It's just the way it's worked out.
The Democrats have always been known as the party that's negative and look at everything wrong.
What's happened [in UK] is a private medical practice has started up, people who can afford it are going to into medical institutions, hospitals and so forth, that are not part of the National Health Service, they've opted out.
When American liberals go to the UK they see the Tories as the Washington Generals, and they see the Labor Party as the Harlem Globetrotters, and they love that. Total power. Whether anything works or not is irrelevant. We work.
You can't sue a president, a former president. They're indemnified.
If you look at America now as a giant ship, before we can turn it around and go the other way, we've got to stop. This has been our problem all along. We haven't really advanced anything we believe.
I am the expert on battery life.
There's nothing in the 14th Amendment about anchor babies.
There's nothing in the 14th Amendment that says if you are born to a mother who is a citizen that you're automatically a citizen. It isn't there. Even some of our presidential candidates think that it is.
The Constitution is very clear: Congress has sole discretion over defining who is and who isn't a citizen and how you become one. It's not the 14th Amendment.
The Constitution says nothing about anchor babies. The 14th Amendment says nothing about birthright citizenship.
They want people to believe the Constitution says that if you are born to on a illegal alien mother, that you are automatically an American citizen. They want to insist that that's what the Constitution says, but it doesn't.
The Supreme Court has never ruled that the children of illegal aliens are American citizens.