The Supreme Court has only granted citizenship to the children born to legal immigrants, not illegal.
Who in their right mind ever thought that the birth of a child to an illegal immigrant converted to citizenship? A lot of people believe it. It's not in the 14th Amendment. You know where it is? It's in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4.
Congress decides who becomes a citizen and how. To automatically say the 14th Amendment grants birthright citizenship, no, we can't change that. Amending the Constitution, not possible, takes too long. We gotta find another way of dealing with this. No, we don't, because it's not there. You don't have to amend the Constitution.
Everybody knows that if you're born in America, you are a citizen. No, you're not.
To a lot of people, the Second Amendment is an extreme position.
We're releasing hardened criminals from jails all over California. They don't have the money. They don't have the room anymore. The jails are overflowing so we gotta get rid of somebody.
Under what rubric of common sense would you release violent criminals who are illegal back onto the streets in America? Why would you not deport them? I mean, you have them. It's not like you have to go to the shadows and find these people. They are in your jail cell. They're in your prison cell.
Obama doesn't want to be called the deporter-in-chief.
In the case of immigration, there has never been a majority for any of the proposals put forth by either party - executive amnesty or whatever other plan there is - to essentially legalize them and make them voters. There is not the majority support for any plan that either party has put forward. It is a gigantic issue.
Imagine this country without the 20 million illegals that are here. Imagine the state of California. And this is not... It's nothing more than an exercise. It's nothing more than a little game to play with yourself. Because it's instructive.
California is many things, and it is a harbinger of what this country will become if illegal immigration isn't stopped. You're gonna have a very rich, very powerful minority of elites - very, very tiny - and they're gonna live in a very few, small, gated enclaves.
Where does it say that we must allow anyone who wants to come to America to come in and become a citizen. I mean, this is a very, very tough thing to discuss.
We don't have the right to tell less fortunate disadvantaged people that they can't come to the USA and get what we have. You see, that's all predicated on the fact that what we have is simply luck and it isn't fair that the rest of the world doesn't have it. The rest of the world could have it. Human civilization has been around however many number of years you want to add up.
America has been around less than 250 years, and in less than 250 years we have created what is the greatest country on earth. There are reasons for it. And any other country on earth could do the same thing. They could structure it the same way, and if they don't have natural resources they could economically structure a way to barter, share, buy, trade, you name it. They could do the same thing.
Most of the nations around the world are led by tyrants and dictators and thugs who are leading their countries for one reason.
Our way of life, our government defines the way America is. I mean, it's not luck.
Not everybody here is rich. Not everybody here is independently wealthy. Not everybody here is free from any kind of economic concern. We run the gamut here, too. It's the opportunity to escape that that exists here, for very specific reasons. But it's not because the US is where it is. It's not because our DNA is different than anybody else's. It's because of the way we have structured our affairs, our government.
Many ordinary Americans make themselves feel better by saying what the famous daytime TV idiot says. But it leads to absolute calamity and disaster, as we are seeing.
We are not obligated to open our borders and let America be dissolved to nothing simply because it's the greatest on earth and that's unfair.
Everybody is laden with guilt.
Our obligation is to ourselves and obligating to ourselves the job of defending and protecting America is how we serve other people around the world, not by letting this country go to hell. We are under no such obligation.
We are not obligated to share.
We're not obligated to watch ourselves be dissolved away simply because it's not fair that we're so big and powerful. And a lot of people think that it is. And it's not. It's not an obligation. You wouldn't let your own home be treated this way. You wouldn't let your own neighborhood be treated this way. And you don't have to let your own country, either.
Donald Trump is able to get his message out.
I think if Donald Trump skipped out on a debate, for whatever reason he gave, I don't think it would help him at all.