To the government, terrorism committed by people who happen to be Muslim is not in any way a reflection of legitimate interpretation of Islam. You might find this hard to believe, but if you're doubting any of this, just search your own memory. All the times that we have heard that Islam's a religion of peace and that we can't use the word "terrorism" to describe it and Obama will not use it. And then remember all the times that this administration actually claims that violence by white right-wing white Christians poses a greater threat to the people of America than Islam.
To the government, terrorism committed by people who are Muslim is not a reflection on the legitimate interpretation of Islam, even if Islamic supremacist ideology, which endorses jihad violence - Islam, standard, mainstream Islam endorses jihad violence, but our government doesn't want to admit that or deal with it. Here in America, as in Western Europe, this is the key to understand.
Al-Qaeda, ISIS, they can't be Islamic. Islam is the religion of peace. They are bastardizing it. They are frauds. They are calling themselves Islamic and they are calling themselves Muslim, but they're not. Because Islam is as anti-terror as you and I are. Islam is the religion of peace. I'm telling you what our government's position is. The US military position.
Islam is the religion of peace. And Islam, genuine, real Muslims are as opposed to Al-Qaeda and ISIS as we are. That is what has been dictated to our law enforcement agents by their superiors. If those were your instructions, and you have a terror attack and you're out there reporting to the media, trying to answer questions, you'd sound like a babbling buffoon, too, because you'd have to come up with ways to violate the very common sense you know is true.
What are the policy implications of the government and this fantasy Islam, what are the policy implications of a United States government that believes Islam is as anti-terror as you and I are? Well, it means that Islamic doctrine can never be cited as the cause of terrorism, as a matter of policy. And it never is. It never is.
If the cops come upon a mass murder attack that is clearly instigated by Islamic doctrine, they are not permitted to conclude that it is terrorism because they have been directed by their superiors in law enforcement to maintain that Islam is against terrorism.
The law enforcement agents believe they cannot call terrorism "terrorism" unless and until they uncover evidence proving that the Muslim mass murderers have some tie to a designated non-Islamic terror group like ISIS or Al-Qaeda, and bingo, bingo. What do we get today? "There's an ISIS connection," and once again none of this has anything to do with Islam. That's how it works at the highest levels of our government.
You can be prosecuted if you tell the truth about Islam.
Polar bears can swim 100 miles. They aren't like us. We might be 'stranded' on an ice floe if there's no land nearby, and we had no helicopter and no jet ski. We might be in trouble, but they're polar bears, and they can live in icy cold water by design. They love it.
If you want to talk about the pollution coming from Ohio, please don't leave out the pollution coming your way from China.
Could somebody explain to me why transgender people have become so important to Barack Hussein O? I'm serious.
The gay movement has realized its agenda, so they've gotta transfer that energy somewhere and transgenders is the next.
There's not much more to do on the gay agenda. They got gay marriage, and we're close to putting you in jail if you won't bake a cake for a gay wedding. We've got pretty much everything, but you have to keep the group happy.
Forget about being comfortable at school if you're straight, if you're conservative, if you're Christian.
The left are responsible for all the turmoil and the "social issues" of politics, because they're the ones constantly trying to corrupt it. And if people stand up and try to explain it, they are said to be the problem.
The only time there's gonna be a transgender bathroom in the White House is during a gay rights ceremony. You know as well as I do that that's not going to happen.
The Democrat Party, particularly with demographic shifts taking, would love to get rid of the Electoral College.
Barack Obama believes he has the same kind of connection to the American people that Trump has.
Obama destroyed this party, folks, literally has destroyed the Democratic Party while elevating himself to whatever heights, if he's really achieved them, I still don't believe it, but I'll go along with the flow for now.
He who wins the independents wins the White House. That's a liberal Democrat trick, by the way.
Ivanka Trump is for climate change. Ivanka is all for single-parent families, and so she's as close to liberal as you're gonna get in her dad's inner circle.
I've got confidence that most people in America still have a decent sense of manners, propriety, morality.
People continually ask me, "Why does the media do what it does? Why are they so obviously self-destructive? Why are they so obviously predictable? Why is the media so obviously biased? Do they not see how other people see?" No, they don't. But then again, they don't care, folks.
One thing Donald Trump does, the minute something's out there about him that's not true, he blows it up. He reacts to it.
It's phenomenal the kind of support Donald Trump has, despite the best efforts to suppress it, and those efforts are being made, I think it's profound, the number of people.