The American political system is a giant bureaucracy.
I really think what's happening to the American political system is that it has been reduced to a system of self-perpetuation for the people in it. And they view security for themselves as always needing things to be done.
I think we're paralyzed by the virtues of a combination of liberalism and bureaucracy. And Trump doesn't know any of that. All he knows, and he's like every other citizen, fed up with it.
Obama passes Obamacare, the Tea Party comes into existence over two things: this out of control Obama spending.
Obamacare is an absolute disaster! And half the country knows it's a disaster because the alternative media read the bill and told you what's in it and gave you the absolute anti-American contents to this piece-of-garbage bill. Half of the country doesn't know what's in it. They think it's free health care because that's what Obama's been out lying to people, you keep your doctor, keep your plan and your premium's coming down $2,500. People were lied to through his teeth. And they believed him.
Despite the fact that the country was electing Republicans, Obama wasn't being stopped, and it's because of the political system. The political system has evolved into a giant bureaucracy, the primary purpose of which is self-preservation, not fixing anything.
Our political system cannot stop the degradation of our culture.
Donald Trump has a bunch of people who have been able to find the money they need for projects that they wanted to do and succeed at them and show a profit at the same time, and everybody involved wins.
The system happens to be Washington and the way politics works, because whatever it is, it isn't working. It defies common sense. And part and parcel of this, right in the middle of it is the media and their lying and their distorting and their favoritism and their efforts to impugn and destroy people like us who want to stop this mess that's been progressing in a deteriorating way for way too many years.
Donald Trump has assembled a group of people who know how to, quote, get it done, whatever it is. Now, the left is not gonna be happy with the things they want to get done. And they're gonna continue to oppose it even when they benefit from it, they are going to continue to oppose it, unless Trump comes in with massive tax increases when of course the Democrats will sign on for that.
I don't hear anything from Trump about tax increases. I hear tax cuts from him. I hear tax reform from him.
In America, the political system just is paralyzed for whatever reason. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, in that it's just become this giant blob bureaucracy, the primary objective is self-preservation, and the definition of self-preservation is don't do anything because then you continue to illustrate where you're needed.
Almost 40% of all young adults are living with their parents. This is a 75-year high in America. Forty percent of young adults are living with their parents. I see stuff like this, and I think it's a good thing I didn't become a parent, because if that were happening to me, you wouldn't want to be my kid.
When you find your passion, that becomes your energy source and that becomes what you commit yourself to.
America is a country obsessed with appearance. It's a country obsessed with looks.
It's almost an addiction that some people have to what I call the perfection that Hollywood presents of successful, beautiful, fun-loving people.
I believe that the polling data that shows people give Obama 53% approval, I happen to think the polls are right. I just think people are not being honest with the pollster.
The Limbaugh Theorem is the way Obama gets away with no accountability for anything he's done is he never was perceived as governing. He was always as an outsider campaigning all the time against powerful forces trying to stop whatever it was he wanted to do.
I happen to live in reality. The name of my city is Literalville. And it makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
I'm a literalist. I believe what people say. When they say it, I think they mean it.
The biggest challenge I have is to learn when somebody doesn't really mean what they're saying 'cause I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
If somebody tells me they want something or they want something to happen and if it's in my power to make it happen, I start working on it thinking they meant it.
How do you think we have the home mortgage deduction? We have it because way back when it was determined that the American dream equaled home ownership. And everybody knows that the vast majority of the American people will never be able to write a check for a house. You have to finance it.
I am interested in tax policy that raises money because I don't like being in debt.
I am interested in power, too, but power for you, the people, not power for bureaucrats and politicians and officeholders and all the like.