I'm very proud to be British, and my brand is British.
We will make La Perla a great international brand for beauty and feminine luxury.
Never use pages for personal brand!
I don't spend on expensive brands. I don't need foreign holidays.
Rituals build brands.
Everyone's very relaxed about brand names in television.
It's hard to build a brand, competitively, and tell people what you do as well.
I'd never buy something, even if it's a great brand, that is a competitor to something I already own; that's insane.
I heard Davey Havok has a brand of eyeliner out now... its AFI-liner
Your brand is your culture.
Brand inside is more important than brand outside for sustained success.
The enemy shapes the brand.
They can buy whatever brand they want. We will supply the finance.
It's not fair, but it's not entirely wrong to presume that the more capable people will come from the better brand.
To me, the AMC brand is great storytelling - they call it slow-burn storytelling.
I don't want to become a brand and I certainly don't want to have a persona.
We are no doubt in the Great Age of the Brand.
I'm pretty brand-less. If I wear a brand, then you can't tell. I'm not about the logos.
The Gap has always been an iconic, go-to brand that reminds me of my childhood.
In general, the Western body has become a global brand.
To me, a 'brand' sounds evil.
Work is underway to select the go forward smartphone brand.
Brands need to reinvent themselves from time to time to stay relevant.
I do find it a bit disconcerting when your name becomes a brand.
The currency of universal values make brands innately sharable.