Cooking Quotes - Page 28

If there is anything we are serious about, it is neither religion nor learning, but food.
Yutang Lin (1936). “My country and my people”
Kenneth Rexroth, Sam Hamill (1997). “Sacramental Acts: The Love Poems of Kenneth Rexroth”
Salt and the center of the world have to be there, in that spot on the tablecloth.
Julio Cortazar (2016). “Hopscotch, Blow-Up, We Love Glenda So Much”, p.588, Everyman's Library
Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, Simone Beck (2011). “Mastering the Art of French Cooking”, p.15, Knopf
Julia Child (2009). “My Life in France”, p.213, Gerald Duckworth & Co
The Infusion of a China plant sweetened with the pith of an Indian Cane.
Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd, Henry George Bohn (1854). “The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison: The Tatler and Spectator [no. 1-160”, p.372
Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth (1778). “The Works of Jonathan Swift ...: With Notes Historical and Critical”, p.182
We believed in our grandmother’s cooking more fervently than we believed in God.
"Eating Animals". Book by Jonathan Safran Foer, March 4, 2010.
Smiles from reason flow, To brute deny'd, and are of love the food.
John Milton (1758). “Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained...”, p.277
Govern well thy appetite, lest Sin surprise thee, and her black attendant Death.
John Milton (1869). “Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books”, p.217
John Dryden (1717). “The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq: Don Sebastian, king of Portugal. Amphitryon: or, The two Sosia's. Cleomenes, the Spartan heroe. King Arthur. Love triumphant”