I'm from Winnipeg, you idiot!
Coming here, I sharpened and fine-tuned everything I had and needed. What I thought of as myself as a performer, I looked back and was like, ‘Wow, I improved from where I was.’ I thought I was ready and then saw the improvements I made which were unbelievable. It makes the transition from down here to up there (the WWE roster) so much easier because you’re prepared for what they need you to do. It’s not like you’re jumping into a whole other world. You’re prepared for what they need.
Punk, I see you as a hypocritical, manipulative waste of skin.
That's Right! I Own the WCW!
Very, very good Pavlov, all your dogs have barked when you rang the bell. Your test was successful.
Something stinks here, and this time, it's not just him.
The man who will be the future of the WWE. He will be right under me. He is the man, he is the myth, he is the legend, soon to be.. he is, Alex Riley.
I started something with Test, but I don't know what it was.
What I do in my own time, is my business.
Those are real bottomlines, because Santino Marella say it be so!
Every day that I bring this World Title home with me, I realize it's a gift. It's a blessing. And this? This has been the biggest, the BIGGEST ride of my life.
Not only will I beat you tonight...I'll beat you this Sunday and become World Heavyweight Champion!
I'll fight anyone, at any time!
If you're looking for someone who can beat the RAW divas, perhaps you should choose someone who's beaten every diva on RAW.
Children love me, dammit!
Well, just another thing that Michael Cole brings to Monday Night Raw, he invited Laycool here, for whatever reason.
I don't wanna wrestle Big Show tonight because I'm scared that he's gonna eat me!
Ladies and Gentlemen, King of the Stupid Question: Todd Grisham!
If you continue to act now and be a member of the WWE Universe, you will see the same footage from... another... camera angle.
Fashion advice from the Tooth Fairy, that's great.
Are you ready for some puppies?!
Can I press one for English?
ECW stands for Extremely Crappy Wrestling.
Crash Holly's so short, you can see his feet on his driver's licence photo.