You've got a man-beast, and a ho-beast.
We both liked the idea but couldn't figure out a way to get up to the roof. Vince had just seen the Spider-Man movie and suggested we shoot webs out of our wrists and swing up there. We asked Vince not to contribute any more ideas.
Of course you have an e-mail, you idiot, just read it!
Just when it's the two of us, he doesn't whine as much.
If he's walking around with the title, whose right and whose wrong? He's awesome. And I'm his protege, so what does that make me? That makes me awesome as well.
The next thing you're going to tell me is Daniel Bryan is the United States Champion.
You had some unexpected help. You had help from God! Essentially, it became a handicap match! Me vs you and God!
Today is a day of remembrance that is heavy on my heart.
I would comment on the scene, but I've never kissed a woman so I don't really have anything to add.
Here's the irony of this moment on Smackdown: Jimmy crack corn and I DO care.
He's got himself, and he's got a beard. That's all Chris Jericho needs.
Today I was in the gym benching 400 pounds. A-Ry is my witness to this.
Just heard who made who by ac/dc and asked a ry what movie? He had no idea. Disappointed. He will be doing my laundry today.
I had Alex Riley out there as well and he's jumping up and down excited. You know, hugging me and the fans are going nuts and booing me.
He also knows what king of protein I like, what T-shirts I like, how I like my dry cleaning to be done. He also knows how I like my stuff folded and put away into drawers.
Michael Cole is a visionary!
It's pretty awesome. Mattel does such a great job with detail... I'm way better looking than Ken. Barbie's been hitting on my action figure the whole time. She actually asked the stocking people if she could hang next to me, but they said no - because it's PG.
You know what they say about guys with big hands.
I'm a real American baby!
I wouldn't want to be anyone to usurp the authority of the WWE.
Since we ate taking orders, get me some sunchips!
I'll write you a check. I'll write you a check. How do you spell Sheamus?
Don't make him anger please. I don't like it when he's anger.
It doesn't matter what I said!
I DID IT!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!