Reincarnation is not something that occurs at death; it is something that takes place at every moment. Death and rebirth are occurring every second.
The spirit seeks the spirit just as matter seeks matter.
You will be reborn. You will come from the inner to the outer again. This process goes on indefinitely.
The essence of your being reincarnates.
At the time of death, whatever you have focused on the most will determine your next life.
Our knowledge, experience, and wisdom can assist us in gaining more from this life, which will correctly set up our next life.
A better lifetime comes from not some karmic scale but from inner knowledge. Inner knowledge makes you happy. In other words, it is not as if someone is checking!
The future is certain for those who follow dharma. Those who don't follow dharma are pushed back again and again into the net of rebirth. They are drawn back to the same planes of attention, or lower. It could happen to you!