A lot of people have this live or die attitude with mediation. It has to be all or nothing. I don't think it should be. It's a study that you follow for the rest of your life.
Have the right attitude in advanced practice. Feel that you are always a beginner in Zen. They refer to it as "beginners mind". I feel I am a beginner, always; because it's true.
The male establishment power structure has not really changed its attitude towards women. They did not give these rights to women out of kindness. These rights were fought for by many highly evolved women who cared about the lives of their daughters and granddaughters.
There is this school of thought that says the usage of all mystical and occult powers is bad. I find that thought is usually propounded by people who don't have any powers. It's kind of a sour grapes attitude.
Selfless giving is friendliness. An attitude towards life, a reverence for life. It is one of the highest of all ways.
Each day try and go through the day with an attitude of being a servant to the world. You'll benefit the most - and the way will be joyous.
Do not be selfish and feel new people will take more of the teacher's attention and you won't get it. That's nonsense. With that attitude, you won't get it. The teacher sees that attitude and will have very little to do with you.
As a student of enlightenment your attitude should not be to become enlightened. It should be to learn.
Clothing has a great deal to do with the attitudes and energy that others direct towards you. I favor the chic, and tend to avoid the trendy. I think that it's good to be chic when possible because it is more inaccessible.
I believe in winning. It is clean. I like it. I definitely don't believe in losing. It is a bad attitude. It is not necessary to lose, but it does happen once in a while.
You need a string of successes behind you to buoy that self-image; otherwise, you have a terribly negative attitude about yourself and it is very unlikely you are going to succeed at anything.
Psychic development makes you strong. It develops a common sense attitude in which you don't expose yourself to forces, people and situations that would drain you.
If you pursue meditation with a non-competitive attitude, with a hopeful and helpful attitude, without violence, then you will find that you will become a very benign and powerful being, one who is at peace with himself and the universe.
If you'd like to have a better incarnation, then have one now. If that's your attitude, just let go and meditate and try to be as wise and compassionate, as understanding as you can.
Be a perpetual beginner. Always be inspired. It is that attitude of inspiration and belief that creates energy.
Don't try to hold people to you, don't try to push them away. Let life do everything for you. This is the proper attitude on the path of love.