For men, it's absolutely essential to stop believing that they're superior to women because that very belief engenders ego, which sets them off-balance. Therefore, they don't realize that they're being manipulated by the second attention of woman because their ego won't permit them.
For men, it's necessary to push aside that marvelous ego that tells you that you are all knowing and capable, and see that you are not.
The ego holds us to this world. The ego is the feeling that you are. But you are not, nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be.
You can be in a crowd full of friends and be miserable because you're alienated. The ego alienates.
The ego seeks fame and fortune. Humility doesn't seek at all - it accepts.
When you realize that the ego is making you miserable you don't identify with it. You identify with your soul's humility and the ego dissolves.
Ego is impurity. Be selfless. Consecrate and dedicate your life to perfection.
Nirvikalpa samadhi is a state of no mind, beyond the ten thousand states of mind, where there is nothing but perfection, where the self no longer exists...the ego dissolves into immortality.
Human beings have become so afraid of the unknown, themselves, and each other that they deprive themselves of that innate ecstasy and love of life which comes with a human body, mind and spirit, by hiding behind the empty shell of their ego.
You are either in this world or the other worlds, and it all depends on how much you are in your own ego.
Whenever you take the time to inspire someone, to aid them in their inner search, you'll find energy will come back to you - unless you are ego tripping or you are trying to manipulate them.
You don't choose because if you choose you might make the wrong choice, based upon ego or illusion. Instead, you let eternity make all the choices for you.
When the sun sets, beautiful though it may be, billions of stars appear. The ego is but one sun. When that sun sets, there are endless suns, endless horizons beyond it.
Self-realization: No ego, no desires, no weight problems, no tax forms, no death to die, no life to live.
Personality is a manifestation of ego. Ego is the central sense of separateness that a person has from the rest of the universe. Personality is the form that that separateness take.
Samsara is the world appearance, the cycle of rebirth, the physically manifest universes and states of mind that you perceive through the medium of ego.
The illusion of selfhood, ego, a separate identity is false.
In the Yoga of Love we see that matter and spirit are one. It's only the ego that separates.
What is there when the ego is gone? Eternity, love.
There is another kind of wisdom, the wisdom of following - the wisdom of not taking the lead with your ego.