Love is beginningless and endless ecstasy. It is an unfathomable mystery. It is the study of our lives.
Zen is the study of mind in all of its manifestations. The purpose of Zen is to be happy.
In the study of consciousness you cannot explain anything verbally. You can only allude to, point in a general direction of.
The study of Buddhism is essentially the study of modification, how we modify the state of mind we're in, how we modify the realm we're in.
There is a beautiful flow to the study of Zen. If it is not making you happier, then you are not practicing correctly.
In the study of Zen you can learn how to strengthen and clarify your finite mind. Your finite mind is like a muscle; when exercised it becomes stronger.
A person who undertakes the study of Zen and learns concentration and meditation is like a gymnast. You become a gymnast of the mind.
Zen has lost its zip, if you will, or its nothingness and has become ritualistic Its established in monastaries with strict codes of koan study.
There's no right or wrong in the study of enlightenment. There's only experience.
In Old Zen, the Zen Master would do literally anything to break down the concept of what the study was. He would present conflicting codes all the time, just to shake this fixation people had on how to attain liberation.
Chi is developed through meditation, through studying with one who has a great deal of it.
Find a teacher of Tantric Zen and study with them because it is transference of awareness, a sharing of the perception of the beauty of life.
Buddhism is the study of how to be immeasurably happy.
If the kundalini is flowing through you at a very rapid rate, if you are not in harmony with the dharma, then you will have great problems with the study.
The I Cing is a study in duality and what lies beyond duality.
There are powers and forces that will seek to block you, to make your life more difficult. But if you are up to the study, then you continue to progress without getting discouraged.