I like to shop. I don't always buy things when I shop, but I think it's fun to go out and look at the worlds of colors. I love to roam through supermarkets. I am a great lover of household products. I particularly like the packaging of cereal boxes.
Some types of nothing are more fun than other types of nothing.
You get to the point where you have to wash the dishes. That's the fun in life. Being behind the scenes and doing things for others; being an instrument of that cause. That is the secret teaching.
The white light is the joker in the deck. It creates transmutations that are completely unpredictable, which is what makes it fun, which is why it scares the hell out of most people.
I like to be weird, kinky, straight, in and out, up and down. I like to blow up people's expectations, create them, destroy them, and dissolve them. It is fun.
Our thoughts will swim around and talk to us while we're sitting there, make fun of us, ignore us. But if you pay attention, if you don't look in the direction of your thoughts, you meditate.
Personal power, knowledge and fun come from how you approach something, not what you approach.
If you meditate and continue to have fun with yoga and Buddhism, you will amass knowledge and will move to a higher incarnation. In your next lifetime you will be much wiser, much happier.
One day after many, many lifetimes, we get wise. We decide that the fun in life is to give.
Selflessness implies fun. Its fun to be free. Freedom is inner stillness and not being haunted by your desires, your fears, your aggressive tendencies ... it's being cool.
I practice selfless giving not because I'm remarkable but just because I find that its terrifically fun!
Be kind, be loving, be generous. Give of yourself, give of your time and you'll be free. It's the oldest secret, the one thats most often forgotten - and that is to have fun through giving.
Humility means realizing that it's fun to give everything away, particularly the things that you are most attached to.
If I can have an effect on influential women and men, if they seek me out because they are interested in self-knowledge and the fun of meditating, then I'm glad to help. That's why I'm here.
I personally have fun with enlightenment, the study and the teaching of it. I get a kick out of doing it different ways because I don't think there is a "way".
Then there are most of my students who don't know a whole lot about love. You don't know what fun love is. I will remain inaccessible to you until you learn how to love.
I like Miracles. They inspire me. Miracles are the fun of enlightenment. When a teacher does a miracle, and everyone sees it, they have faith in what the teacher has to say about self-discovery.
How do you become enlightened? Have fun, meditate, don't take yourself too seriously, brush between incarnations and have a good teacher.
What matters is that you meditate, you're seeking enlightenment, you're on the pathway to enlightenment, and you're having fun. Don't look for reassurance in the eyes of others. Look for reassurance in your own eyes. Only you know if Buddhist practice is improving the quality of your life.
If you want to help people, if you care, go to the cities. The city is where the pain is the greatest - and the cities are a hell of a lot of fun if you like art, movies and plays.
Use career to develop yourself. Have fun with it. Dedicate your activities and your career, to eternity, and to enlightenment.
I encourage you to make money and to become enlightened. The two are not necessarily different. Have fun with whatever you do because we are only here for a while.
Think about these things and see if they make sense to you. You will find that work will no longer be a four-letter word. It will be a three-letter word: fun.
When you're in the desert you witness acts of power. When you're in the world of the tonal, drop all that nonsense, become logical and orderly and have fun with that.
Nirvana is outside the fun house. You are walking around in the fun house forever.