Determine where you are and where you wish to be. Then use all of your self-effort to make that happen, following the guiding principles of all the Buddhas and bohisattvas and seekers of the dharma, of enlightenment.
An individual has to be tenacious enough to become enlightened.
If you want to become enlightened, you've got to get all the bullshit out of your life. You have to clear up your mind completely.
It's not what you do - it's the intensity of your feeling that determines how far you go in the spiritual life.
You must learn to meditate and stop your thoughts. You must overcome all egotism and selfishness by serving others. You must cleanse your mind so that enlightenment will find a happy place to reside there.
You may have thousands of lives to go between now and before you're a real hard-core seeker of enlightenment, hardcore meaning you just love it.
You could go through incarnations forever and never become enlightened, unless of course you do something about it.
In Buddhism what we seek to do is change ourselves into someone who's beautiful to be.
If you're studying Buddhism you never really have enough time because you're going to die.
Only alone can you go into eternity. Only alone can you feel the transcendental light. It is not a shared experience because if it is shared, you are down in duality.
You can't teach someone to be enlightened. It's something you have to go and do. You can't teach someone to meditate well. It's something you have to go and do.
At the end of each meditation session, bow your head toward the ground. Give away your meditation to the universe. Whether you feel you have done well or poorly, simply give your efforts to the universe.
To meditate with full effort, produces infinity, freedom.
No self-effort in the direction of enlightenment is ever wasted. Even if you don't become fully enlightened in a given lifetime, you will be much happier and more aware.
Happiness is found principally in meditation. Let your mind flow out into eternity. You have to exert some effort. Then you will notice a subtle smile on your face.