When the customer makes contact, he does not want a quote. He wants a commitment.
Money has a fixed value. People can have unlimited value.
How much good can you do today? How much love can you give? How much care and kind attention?
Be confident enough to encourage confidence in others.
The starting point is always now. The end is up to you.
What matters more? What you said you'd do, what you hoped to do, or what you did?
Give your customers what they want today, and help them see tomorrow.
If you want to be the best, find the best in others.
Don't just talk about it, do it.
If your customers are demanding, be thankful.
The first step to delighting your customers is being there when they need you.
You can't always hire great service providers, but you can create them.
Don't wait. Tomorrow may be too late to do the things you can today.
Do what's right and you'll never go wrong.
Listen to customers and you will hear them. Look carefully at customers and you will see them. Do both and you will understand them.
Acting after being asked is compliance. Acting without being asked is kindness.
If you were a customer, would you come back to buy your products or services?
There's no such thing as the very best. If you're doing your best, it's only because you haven't yet found a way to do better.
Developing great employees attracts great customers.
Only a well-oiled machine runs smoothly.
Industry jargon may not be a language your customer understands.
Make your service systems so strong that everyone looks like a genius.
Service skills are the foundation for your success.
What you want to be defines what you become.
Convince people and you win their minds. Inspire people and you win their hearts.