Anyway, the [Barack] Obama administration took four years to say they weren't gonna do anything on George W. Bush. There were all kinds of people that wanted to prosecute him over the torture, quote, unquote, at Guantanamo Bay.
There's a lot of anger on our side. We've been lied about, we have been lied to, we've been mischaracterized, Hillary calling people deplorables and this kind of thing.
[Donald] Trump not taking [hillary] Clinton probe off the table.
The media is trying to portray that [Donald] Trump supporters are on the verge of abandoning him right now by highlighting how many of them wanted Hillary locked up, prosecuted, convicted, and all that.
[Donald] Trump is going to look into the notion of prosecuting Hillary [Clinton]. CNN has a graphic up , "Trump: Some human activity linked to climate change."
"Some human activity linked to climate change." That bothers me much more than whether or not we're gonna be prosecuting Hillary [Clinton].
I'm looking at CNN and I don't trust any of these people.
I've made it a point here that I'm not going to knee-jerk react to anything, and especially before [Donald] Trump is inaugurated.
Just wait and see this stuff play out as it does. But if, for example, why would he say some human activity linked to climate change when he has gone on record as saying that he doesn't believe it and we're gonna get people out of the EPA who do and we're gonna stop playing games with this. Why would he say it? [Donald Trump] wants to build a bridge with the opposition. This is why you don't see me at Trump Tower going up and down the elevators.
Long ago I decided that this program has nothing to do, the success of the program depends nothing at all on who wins or loses elections. "Are you abandoning [Donald] Trump?" No, no, no, no, don't misunderstand, I'm just explaining. I should have told you. I get emails constantly from people asking me when am I going to Trump Tower. I'm not going to Trump Tower.
I love radio! I think radio, done right, can have more influence and have a greater connection with people and be more deeply meaningful than another medium like TV, which is on all the time and you're paying attention to it half the time.
A good radio show will captivate you, and it's active listening. It's not in the background.
If it's done right, radio can just be far more important than television.
The TV provides pictures, therefore creates fame, and that's what makes it seductive to a lot of people. They want to be famous. They want to be recognized. And I've gotten all that out of my system.
What you really want to do, the objective is to get as many students coming out of there thinking differently than they went in.
I analyze people's ideology, and I know leftists and liberals like the back of my hand.
It's "a 'disorder of "assumption"' - the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.
I don't care if you're talking about gay, straight, black, white, how in the name of hell can you guarantee that nobody will ever feel unwelcome? I have felt it unwelcome everywhere I've been in life. Everybody else has, too. I mean, not everywhere, but it happens.
Even without voting, illegal aliens do affect who gets elected president, and that's since the Electoral College elects the president, and the states are given 80% of their electoral votes based on their population, whether they include illegals or not, is the assessment that that is how they affect elections.
When you have no defensiveness about what you think but rather you totally believe it, you are passionate about it.
Goals happen to be restrictive to me. Goals can cause me to maybe miss out or make a wrong decision on an opportunity that pops up.
Barack Obama wants to be the power figure, he wants to be the face of the Democrat Party going forward.
There isn't a Democrat in politics alive who does not know what the Obama presidency has meant for the Democrat Party around the country. They've lost 1,500 seats. The Democrats only have five states, ladies and gentlemen, where they control the governorship and the state legislature, only five!
Donald Trump as the nominee losing was to be the end of the Republican Party. The Democrats were gonna have basically one-party rule for 50 years, and look at what actually has happened. It's practically the reverse.
Democrats are not a national party. They have lost governorships, state legislatures, mayoralties. They have lost 1,500 seats since elections, 2010, '12, '14, it's been devastating. And it's all Obama.