
Terry Pratchett Quotes - Page 3

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.

Terry Pratchett (2009). “Equal Rites: (Discworld Novel 3)”, Random House

Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you.

Terry Pratchett (2008). “Small Gods: (Discworld Novel 13)”, p.12, Random House

I don't think I've drunk enough beer to understand that.

Terry Pratchett (1998). “The Last Continent: A Discworld Novel”, Harpercollins

Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.

Terry Pratchett (2009). “Jingo: (Discworld Novel 21)”, p.255, Random House

Some shadows are so long, they arrive before the light.

Terry Pratchett (2009). “Soul Music: (Discworld Novel 16)”, p.423, Random House

The fastest way to travel is to be there already.

"Soul Music". Book by Terry Pratchett, 1994.

Don't be smart. Smart is only a polished version of dumb. Try intelligence. It will surely see you through.

Terry Pratchett (2009). “Unseen Academicals: (Discworld Novel 37)”, p.159, Random House

You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?

Terry Pratchett (2008). “Hogfather: (Discworld Novel 20)”, p.409, Random House

Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.

FaceBook post by Terry Pratchett from Dec 07, 2016

Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.

Foreword to "The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy" by David Pringle, 1998.

Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages.

Terry Pratchett (2008). “Wyrd Sisters: (Discworld Novel 6)”, p.270, Random House

Just because things are obvious doesn't mean they're true.

Terry Pratchett (2008). “Wyrd Sisters: (Discworld Novel 6)”, p.37, Random House

If per capita was a problem, decapita could be arranged.

"Reaper Man". Book by Terry Pratchett, 1991.

I’m a witch. It’s what we do. When it’s nobody else’s business, it’s my business.

"Cover designs for Terry Pratchett's final Discworld novel The Shepherd's Crown revealed" by Alison Flood, June 08, 2015.