Food Quotes - Page 56

William Shakespeare, John Glover (of Cambridge?.) (1866). “The Works of William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra. Cynbeline. Pericles. Poems”, p.400
William Kitchiner, Luigi Cornaro (1847). “Directions for Invigorating and Prolonging Life; Or, The Invalid's Oracle ...”, p.173
William Hazlitt (1841). “Lectures on the English Comic Writers. By William Hazlitt. Third edition. Edited by his son [William Hazlitt the Younger].”, p.50
To buy very good wine nowadays requires only money. To serve it to your guests is a sign of fatigue.
William Cobbett (2009). “Cottage Economy”, p.84, Applewood Books
William A. Alcott (2013). “The Young Housekeeper: Or, Thoughts on Food and Cookery”, p.39, Andrews McMeel Publishing
Willa Cather (2011). “Death Comes for the Archbishop”, p.38, Vintage
Susie Orbach (1997). “Fat is a Feminist Issue: The Anti-diet Guide for Women”, Bbs Publishing Corporation
This was a good dinner enough, to be sure, but it was not a dinner to ask a man to.
Quoted in James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791) (entry for 31 July 1763)
James Boswell, Samuel Johnson (1866). “The Life of Samuel Johnson”, p.125
Samuel Johnson (2010). “Journey to the Hebrides: A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland & The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides”, p.346, Canongate Books
'The Lives of the English Poets' (1779-81) 'Collins'
James Boswell, Samuel Johnson (1866). “The Life of Samuel Johnson”, p.220