In order to survive women have developed their second attention, which men have not evolved. They use the second attention, and have used it most effectively, to manipulate men; it's a justifiable reaction that has been necessary for survival.
What women have done is developed a survival mechanism, and it's a fascinating one and it's been effective and justified, in my opinion. That is the ability to manipulate men sexually.
Woman knowing this was not right but not knowing what else to do, developed the only means to fight for their survival that they had, since their survival was dependent upon men, and that was to use sexuality to survive.
Women wrap men with their second attention.
What they have done over the centuries is evolve the fine use of sexual power.
It's everyday for a woman to project a very strong wave of sexual energy through her second attention into a man, for him to assume that the energy he feels is his own.
Women developed it as an art. They've had to, in order to survive. The problem is that it limits you. You are in a controlling situation in duality.
Men are really not all that interested in sex. For most men, sex is a very simple experience.
A young girl is taught through the example of other women how to manipulate a man. She's absolutely correct in doing so because the job she will get, the man she will marry, the experiences she will have, are very much dictated by her ability to do so.
As a woman experiment and observe. Observe yourself as you go through a day. You will be amazed to discover the number and variety of things you do just on the physical level to control, or at least pass without being hassled.
Consider your second attention as a spiritual perceiver. Consider how you use it. You may plead innocence. You're not doing anything wrong. Don't feel that you've sinned. You have done what you had to do to survive, as did your mother, as did your grandmother.
Review your description of the world, what it is to be a woman, and see how inadequate it is.
See how it's a philosophy that's been handed to you by a bunch of men who were afraid. So instead, they overcompensate with hatred and violence and repression.
Examine what you do and examine what other women do. Examine the dreams that men hold of you and how they force you in a corner, literally and figuratively.
Your very success is what's going to destroy you. The survival mechanism that you've developed is the very thing which will cause the downfall of your subtle physical body.
Many women devlop the second attention, attract a great deal of sexual attention, and for many years, appear to be very vibrant and strong.
Then there will come a time where, very quickly, a woman will lose what some call her beauty.
She'll find rapid deterioration, which is particularly noticeable in the skin.This is the sign that the subtle physcial is aging.
All disease and aging occurs as the subtle physical body breaks down.
The problem is in the type of energy that is directed, either in the act of sex or simply walking down the street or talking to someone.
The attention that's being projected by men who simply watch you walking down the street, in the office, or in bed, in most cases, is going to be extremely destructive.
The sexual energies returned, when they're not evolved, are still linked with violence and the fear of power - the fear of women.
Jesus Christ was a simple man walked around, did a few miracles, said a few things and died. It was enough for him to say what he felt and glow with the light of eternity.
All he said was that we're all free if we pursue spirit. That's all he said. He didn't say let's set up a Vatican Concil. He didn't say, Martin Luther, you need to put our demands on the door.
People would start to follow him and they'd say: "Well why should I follow the Romans? This man says I can be free and do what I want." So he had to be put out of the way quickly because he was a revolutionary.